
Listener Stories


Dear Mark-

First I would like to say, that me and my husband love your radio show. You are truly the BEST!

October 12, 2004 Winnie was her name. The black, small and cuties it could be the persian cat. She was a princess in our house. I have her for 8 yrs till one day she got very sick. It was a stomach cancer. I could not believe at first when vet told us, but deep inside my hart I knew she will be just fine and live with us for a long time. We have comfort her with our passion and love. She was letting me know that is her time. I could not face it at all, I was very sad and hurt inside that I have to put her to rest. October 12, 2004 sunny afternoon I heard voices from the bathroom. I ran as fast is I could and I saw Winnie laying down on her blanket not moving at all. She was looking at me with her big yellow eyes and I broke in tears and whisper “I can’t do this”- holding her in my arms. That was a day that we had to say, Good-Bye”. I will never forget that sad and emotional moment in my life of my precious Winnie. Pet’s Love Us unconditionally, soften our lives with sweetness and affection. Week after Winnie was gone I was very depressed and sad, so we decided to go to SPCA and adopt another kitty. And there she was 3 months old “Pixie” is her name. Looking at us with her sparkle cute eyes- please take me home. Pixie is 3 yrs old now and doing just wonderful :-) She is a big part of our live’s!

Mark-We are so sorry about your loss of Sprite. I know he was a very special dog to you and your family. He was a very beautiful dog too and had a Wonderful Owner!

I can’t wait to read your book. Looking forward.

-Monika from Texas


Hitch came into my life between the deaths of both Chelsea (11 yrs) – a basset/beagle mix and Boris (9 yrs).- a purebread basset hound. Chelsea collapsed from an arrythmic heart and Boris was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. Grief was compounded by the loss of both of them within two weeks of one another in early 2003.
It would be an easy task to dwell on the misery I faced during that time, but Hitch coming along when he did, has truly been a godsend.

Guiding me through a morass of self-loathing and guilt, he set me out on a course of physical well-being, responsibiltiy & patience. His unflagging demonstrations of understanding and amusement (and there is plenty of the latter), make him an essential in my life.

Even though he’s 4 years old now, he’s every bit as spirited and clownish as ever. Just imagine him paddling down the street with a big tree limb in his mouth, with all the pride of a conquering hero. Yes, Hitch has everything going for him (& me): perfect temperament, keen perception, a 100% cute factor and incredible tri-color markings all over
his back. In fact, he was originally nicknamed “Holstein”

I read a comment a while ago that said it in the best way possible: “Dogs give you the first inkling that there IS a Heaven” But then I see it in Hitch’s eyes every day. I’ve obviously put in my order for ‘Rescuing Sprite’ and I know it will have the staying power necessary to be at the top of the bestseller lists for months to come.

Kent from Minnesota


This is my pal Shelby. We bought her for my daughter Sara when she was just a toddler and when Shelby was just a baby herself. We had to put Shelby down a few months ago. At 12 years old, she had contracted Lymes disease. Upon more medical discovery we learned she had tumors and undetermined masses that were taking over her body. Shelby was the first of 3 dogs we acquired years later. While she was older and smaller than the larger dogs we had, there was no doubt she was a proud dog that ruled the roost and always challenged the other 3 when she felt her seniority in our house was in danger. In the dog hierarchy, I found this fascinating to watch, but more importantly, a bond between my dog and I continued to grow over her glorious 12 years. I’ll miss that dog smile that you see. I’ll miss the hugs she gave me every night when I came home from work. And I’ll miss the loyalty and strength this sweet dog gave my family for all of her dear life. I love you Shelby ! And I miss your smile…….You were a good dog, and a great friend. Our family was blessed to have you for as long as we did.

Partick from CA

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Mark,
Losing a pet is always difficult. I have lost two loving pet dogs, one at 13 years and the last one was 16 years old. They were both adopted from a shelter and we were always grateful that they were a part of our family. The last one, Trixi was the most difficult. She had bravely survived surgery twice for tumors on her leg, but finally with loss of her hearing and sight and the onset of painful arthritis we had to make the decision to take her out of her misery. We had a wonderful vet with a great staff who helped us with the decision. A good friend who had also lost a dear pet gave me the following “poem” which helped ease our pain. I have since shared it with others and would like to share it with you and others who are pet lovers:


“Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to the Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so that they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All of the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor: those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again; just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special; someone who was left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when suddenly one stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly he breaks from the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster.

You have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head and you look once more into those trusting eyes, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together —”
—-Author Unknown

Flo from VA


My dog Wiley was rescued in 2000 from the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Maryland – the same shelter as Sprite I think. We call him Smiley Wiley. He’s probably almost eight now. He was almost full grown when I got him. He has been the greatest, a truly faithful friend. Of course he did chew a dog sized hole in my leather couch and tore the arm of the matching leather chair in his first week. But in his defense, I’d left him home by himself and he was lonely. Good thing for him he is so cute.

Ray from MD



First I want to thank you for your service to our country. You have the best voice in radio, and the perfect face too, ha ha. I just wish you were a bit more conservative.

I wanted to tell you all about my best friend, Reagan. Reagan was a Hungarian Kuvacz and was supposed to get to around 240 lbs. My vet advised me to keep him small by restricting his food intake for life. Well, I did, and he was a bit of a runt at 150 lbs. Honestly, he was the most lovable dog I ever had, just a big puppy his whole life, of a mere 3 and a half years. He would literally knock you down and lick you to death if you dared to step into his yard. His rather intimidating size kept intruders to zero.