Our GSD Frekkie “Fangs” passed away this weekend. She was 10 years old. Frekkie was the name we gave her – Frekkie was one of Odin’s pet wolves. We adopted Frekkie from a rescue shelter in VA; 3 years ago. That story is worth remembering. The shelter location was rural with a long driveway. As we approached, Frekkie came off the porch and walked right up to me. She looked me in the eye and “In dog language” let me know she wanted OUT. She sat at my side and did her best to maintain eye contact. She stayed with me when we met the property owner, and remained there during our entire visit – occasionally taking the initiative to show me her dog skills: sit, stay, down, beg, high five, etc….
We originally came to see another dog. Frekkie was placed into a kennel while the target dog was released. Frekkie began barking – NOOOO! Take me!!! Not that one! I’m way better. She paced nervously in the kennel, while the target dog behaved poorly. Frekkie raced to my side when the other dog returned to the kennel. Frekkie followed me when I went to obtain paperwork from the truck. She jumped inside and with a sheepish grin said: “Nice truck… This is Cool, right? I promise you won’t regret this.” I looked at my wife and said – I guess we have our dog.
Frekkie came to live with us and immediately took possession of the property – she was a fearless protector and loyal companion. After her arrival, our family and friends had to wait in their cars until we retrieved them. Her protective nature provided my wife much comfort. Frekkie was a very expressive and communicative dog. She would all make her displeasures known, should we not provide sufficient attention – this included affections between me and the wife. Frekkie was a little jealous and did not appreciate my loving my wife and not her. Howling and moving between us conveyed her message – What about ME?
Frekkie recently provided us a pair of puppies. They are beautiful and the spitting image of their mom. My wife constantly nagged Frekkie to get pregnant – we also have a fine male GSD. Sure enough, Frekkie did what she was asked – as she always did. She was weak after the delivery (C-section) and never fully recovered. We unexpectedly learned she had contracted spleen cancer when her lethargy became acute. 4 days passed from diagnosis to death. She passed quietly in her sleep. May God bless her on the next leg of her journey.
— Dave from Newburg, MD