
Listener Stories


I rescued my dog, Buckley, a sheltie-spitz mix from the Port Jervis Humane Society in 1998. He’s been a joy ever since, and I also take him to visit the residents at the nursing home where I work as a recreation therapy aide.


– Karen from NJ

To quote Dr. Charles Rice…

 …former law professor at Notre Dame University, “Dogs are like little people with fur coats.” Thought you would like it. God bless…


– Alfred from NJ

The Tribe

15 years was not long enough. I lost 4 this last year and I was ready for the loony bin. Putting them down, while the kindest thing to do, was the very worst time of my life. I’ve downsized to Papillons-3 ‘rescues’.

The Tribe

Carol from NY


This is our dog, Glory. We got here over 5 years ago as a puppy from the SFSPCA. She is 3/4 Rotweiler and 1/4 Black Lab. A great guard that loves everyone…except cats. She even loves our letter carrier. She is a fabulous dog and will lie at my feet when I am working at my desk; I work from the home. She is very protective with the kids and when roughhousing, she will nudge her way in to break us up if she thinks we are getting too rough. She will then just sit right between the two rough-housers to keep the peace. Her favorite game is chaser the laser light!


– John from CA


Maxie was given to us because he was considered noisy in the litter.
We have discovered that he is a talking cat,we can carry conversations on with him for at least 5 minutes,back and forth! We absolutely adore him.


– Ellie from NJ


Agatha a Cairn Terrier pure breed was with me for 14 years. Her 13th year was difficult for her. While she never had any pain she had persistent swelling of her abdomen which had to be tapped to remove the fluid. It used to get in her way of getting around. One day I stepped into the shower and when I came out she was on the floor spread eagle with her tongue hanging out. I rushed her to the vet but he couldn’t think of what to do for her.Reluctantly I let him put her to sleep. It has been almost 10 years since that dreadful day and I have never gotten over it.


– Peter from NY