I have two dogs one is a CHIHUAHUA thw other was a SHIBA INU, my charlie was 12 yrs old, in may of 2011 a large mass came up on his shoulder, it came up so fast, we and the vet thought it was a bite of some sort, so for three days the vet told us to give him benadryl, after three days the mass was getting bigger, it ripped his skin, I call the vet to let her know I was coming in with him, she took a look, xray, and a needle sample from the mass, between waiting for the test results it was three weeks before she could operate, they removed the mass, and wrapped him up, told me what to do, he healed up great, two months ago I was giving him a bath and found a lump, I called the vet and told her I had to bring him to her, she took xray later that day I got the call I was dreading, the cancer was back, and was in his cervical spine, there was no hope, she gave me some pain meds and wished she had better news. nov 15 I had the vet come out to the house, I could not bear to drive him there and then having to drive him home. early in nov I had already dug a grace, and had a coffin for him, I sat down with him, and he was in my lap as she gave him the meds to put him to sleep. she gave him something to relax him, he did not even flinch from the shot, finally the vet ask, do you want me to do it now, I had tears in my eyes and had a hard time talking, all I could do was shake my head, she gave him the shot, a few minutes later she put her hand on my shoulder and told me he was gone. she ask if I needed help, being disabled I had already had everything taken care of, I did not want any help really. they left, I kept him on my lap for a long time, finally I put him in his coffin, and carried him out back. I had him for 12 yrs and he was more of a son than a pet, I still have the litttle one to keep me company, I had got him for the wife, but being I spend most of my time in the recliner he has attached himself to me.
— J. L. from Fernandina Beach, FL