Sapper and Lucky
I have two dogs, Sapper and Lucky. I currently serve in the Army Reserves and in my civilian life I work at Petco. I must admit that I spoil my pets. Lucky came into my life shortly after i moved back to Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. She was a Katrina puppy and she is a mixed breed but she also has a Napolean complex. She stands about 18 inches high on her tip toes. She also insists on being the alpha dog.
When I joined the Army in 2007, she would stay at my parents\’ house when I would go to perform my duties as a soldier. Whenever I got home she would greet me and be as happy as any dog could be, she would also be joined in greeting me by a lab mix named Hootie. When I would go for my runs, both dogs would join me for the run. Sadly, in early 2008 Hootie\’s age caught up with him and he made a hard and fast decline in health. I knew the end was near. Last year I received a copy of Rescuing Sprite from Mr. Levin and I must say that it was a very moving book. As I was facing the inevitable end for Hootie, I read the book again.
In June of 2008 I found another puppy, a Lab and Border Collie mix who loved to dig and was very intelligent for a dog, since being in the Army, I named him Sapper. He was able to spend time with Hootie learning the ropes of being a good dog and became a giant baby brother to Lucky. He also made good friends with my nephew\’s Weimeranner. Sapper may not replace Hootie, but he is proving that he is a faithful and loving companion.
When Hurricane Gustav hit my town, I kept both Lucky and Sapper at my parents\’ house as a safe place to stay while I evacuated to a military base in Northern Lousiiana. Gustav destroyed my home (and my pets\’ home) and they have been staying with my parents until I can find a place to live. Among the losses of my property was my copy of Rescuing Sprite and despite this, my dogs are happy to see me when I visit them every day and they also have not forgotten who \”Daddy\” is. They do miss their best friend, my cat Sergeant Louie (Louie was named after Danny Devito\’s Character on Taxi because he was a little loudmouth and when I joined the army he decided to become and Army cat and fight a global war on mice).
I am now in the process of Locating a new place to live and I know that my pets will be glad to have their new home as well, I cannot find any more loyal and loving companions than Lucky and Sapper.
Army PFC Vance “Gator” from LA