
Listener Stories

Smokey, Magic

You should read Yorkie Doodle Dandy by Wm. Wynne. It’s the story about Smokey the World War II dog hero. Smokey is a 4lb. female yorkie. I have a 4lb. Yorkie named Indy. My last Yorkie lived to be 18 yrs. I belong to the No. CA Yorkie Club.

One of the members has four Yorkies. Magic is her show dog, and he saved her life.
She is diabetic. One morning she did not wake up. She was giong into a coma. He jumped up on the bed and kept licking and scratching her and she kept trying to fight him off. He did not stop, and finally she fell out of bed. That woke her up enough to realize she was in trouble. She then crawled to the refrigerator and got the orange juice and then woke up. Magic is a real hero. He was trained to do what he did. He just knew. I read Rescuing Sprite and really enjoyed it.


Donna from CA


Just finished reading Rescuing Sprite, what an amazing story.  I volunteer at a local shelter, & when we get an older dog in, we all think ..Poor thing, it will hard to find a home.  But, usually we are wrong..because there\’s always some wonderful person who wants to make that dog\’s last years warm, loving, and worth living.  We are a no-kill shelter, so there are some dogs we have quite a while..we just adopted a dog we had for a year!  And as you expressed about both Sprite & Griffen., these dogs are wonderful, trained and just want to love someone.  & why aren\’t their families looking for them.

I fostered a 4 month old puppy in May 2008 w/ a broken leg, I couldn\’t give him up, so Scooter is part of my family now.  He\’s 10 months old, and was quite concerned w/ my tears while reading your book.  Thanks for expressing what I see everyday.  When I placed a dog into a home, I am thrilled to see the dog know he/she is \”home\” and the love in those people\’s hearts.  Sometimes, the shelter consumes me, but I love every  minute and wish I didn\’t have to work so I could be there everyday.  Thanks for a very special story!!!!

Debby from OH

A Lot of Dogs

Have had over 30 lovable dogs in my life
Wayne from OK

Dog saves dog

Dear Mark:

I found this story/video on Coast to Coast:


“Dog saves dog” It’s really quite remarkable. Thought you might be interested. I love your show and bought 2 copies of Rescuing Sprite. Gave one to my girlfriend, a dog lover, and gave the other, an autographed copy, to my 13-year old son who wants to get a dog and is now a regular listener to and lover of your show. I just wish you wouldn’t so disparage those who believe in or cover so-called “paranormal” phenomenon. You don’t really believe we are alone in this universe, do you?

Kirk from IN

Jake, Dr. Pepurr

Hi Mark,
I am a 17 year old girl from NJ, and I wanted to say that I read Rescuing Sprite, and I loved it. The same thing happened to my family and I with our dog Jake.

You had me laughing aloud through pats, and crying like a baby through others.

One thing that I thought was funny was that you have the soda pop dogs, and I have the soda pop cat.
My cat\’s full name is Dr. Pepurr (like a cat\’s purr) but I call him Pepsi for short.
So he\’s two sodas in one.

I thought that you would find this funny.
God bless you and your family,

Roseanne from NJ

Three German Shepherds

Just finished reading \”Rescuing Sprite\”, and, after drying my tears and wiping my nose, I decided to look you up to tell you how much your story touched me.

We have German shepherds, three of them currently, and have lost three in less than four months just three years ago.

No, Mr Levin, you never get over grieving for your dogs.    How can you not miss that unconditional love?  New dogs may come into your life, and you will love them, and they inturn will love you, but a day won\’t go by that you aren\’t reminded of the uniquenes that each dog is.  They all have their own personalities, quirks and habits—these are what make each one an individual.

When we have to let them go, be it naturally or with help, we will face the guilty thought \”what if?\”  The truth is, we will never know the answer.  The real truth is, the dogs who have passed loved us with such abandon that they would never ask \”what if?\”

Did you rescue Sprite, or did he rescue you?  I know, without a doubt, that my dogs have rescued me, and continue to do it on a daily basis.  Had a bad day at work?  Come home and greet those grinning faces and wriggling bodies.

Love your dogs, both past and present, Mr Levin.

Dorothy from GA