Goldie, Rex
Dear Mark
A friend of mine bought me a copy of your book Rescuing Sprite. I finished reading it on December 7th. Getting to know Sprite and Pepsi brought me a mixture joy and sorrow and it also brought me back to a time 8 years ago when we had to put down our beautiful golden retriever named Goldie. He was so gentle from the time he was a puppy and left us at the age of 15.
He came into our lives shortly after we had to put down our very first dog, a beautiful & crazy Irish Setter named Rex who was 13 years old. My husband took him to the Vet had to put him down all alone because I just couldn’t bring myself to do this with him and to this day I’m sorry I wasn’t with Rex the day he left us. My family now lives in Orlando, Florida but we used to live in New Jersey where Goldie lived all his life. On December 29, 2000 we had a snowstorm which kept my husband, my son and me at home. In the weeks before he left us Goldie was becoming more active, even chasing balls, but on the morning of December 29th he had a seizure and died, we were all so distraught at seeing this that my husband (a NJ Policeman) began to give Goldie CPR and brought him back to us, we immediately realized this would mean that soon after, if he didn’t die again, we would have the very painful task of putting him down..
We drove in the terrible snowstorm to get Goldie to the Vet. The Vet kept him over the weekend and gave him medication. He then told us to take him home to see if the medication helped, but we all knew it was the Vet’s way of helping us prepare to say good-bye to our beautiful boy. For a week we had family, friends and Goldie’s four legged pals come to say good-bye. Every night we would pray that Goldie would die in his sleep, but every morning, although he could no longer move, he would look at us with his beautiful brown eyes and wag his tail. I would sit with him and sing “You Are So Beautiful” (Joe Cocker) and “Loving You” (Minnie Ripperton). We prayed, cried and told him how much we all loved him and what joy he brought to our lives. (more…)