
Listener Stories


Dear Mark,

I just finished reading your book about Sprite.  As others who have written you, I also recently lost my best friend.  Her name was Pax, the peacegiver.  She was a golden retriever/black lab mix. For over 13 years we were together.  Although I told her every day of her life that I loved her, I still wish that I would have said even more to her as I held her while she was dying.  I guess what I really wish is that I could have kept her with me just a little longer.  I don\’t have to describe the hurt that is still within me, as you must share the same sense of constant loss.

That there had to be another dog in my life was a given, as it always had been since I was a child.  His name is Starbuck, a six month old golden retriever; a bouncing, happy, excited flash of golden fur.  He is named after the character in the movie The Rainmaker, who embraced life with enthusiasm, vitality, and a little mischievousness.  That is my pup.

There is something I wanted to share with you, although I am still trying to understand it myself.  Well-meaning people who hear of our loss often offer encouragement by suggesting we get a new dog, replace the old.  Although their  only intent is to ease the pain, we tend to characterize their remarks as evidence of callous indifference; not understanding or appreciating all that our pet meant to us.  But privately, down deep inside, it is ourselves whom we are chastising, for we mistakenly believe it is us who are failing our dear friend, because we do so desperately want to have a dog back in our lives.  (more…)

Lexi, Frank & Luci

My husband and I have two one year old dogs and a fourteen year old cat. They are our babies. Lexi is a boxer mix we adopted from an animal shelter. Lexi was a pup when we got her. She is now over a year old. Lexi is so smart and sweet. Frank is our lil pug baby. He is so funny.

Luci is our old cat. She came to us from a friend I worked with thirteen years ago. She hates the dogs. I don’t know what we would do without our furbabies. They are so special. Thanks for reading.

Tammy from TN

Gumbo, Boodan and Dewey

Dear Mark, I just finished reading Rescuing Sprite and it was a great book.  Your pets, and Sprite, know they are loved and you gave Sprite the best years of his life…It\’s harder for the older dogs at the shelters to find homes, I know you  didn\’t know he was that old at the time, but in the grand scheme of things YOU and your family were the ones that had to be there for Sprite!  You just keep on loving Pepsi and Griffen and keep Sprite in your memory!

I have already told you about Gumbo, Boodan and Dewey and I have lots more stories to share in the future!  I alway tell people that are looking into getting a pet to go to the local shelters because there are so many animals looking for a good home, both purebred and mixed breeds!!  My dad is the one that taught me to go to the shelters when looking for a new companion and I have done so numerous times over the years!

One more thing I tell people, like Bob Barker always says \”Have your pets spayed an neutered!\”  You have a good day Mark – Pepsi and Griffen are waiting at the door for you!!  ;-}
I\’m also a fan of your radio show, listen most evenings!

Maggie from FL


I adopted a 7 year old collie who needed rescuing. It was the best decision I ever made in my adult life. When he was 14, I had to make the same decision to let him go. The grief, guilt and trauma were immediate for me as well. Rescuing Sprite continues to comfort me, I don’t feel as alone. No matter how much time goes by, it’s been over a year, or how many people say it was time, not a minute goes by that I don’t wish I had waited just one more day. The feeling that I betrayed him somehow will never go away. Mark’s book is helping with my grieving process and that it’s all okay.
Catherine from MA

Breaking My Heart

Hello Mark Levin,

Now I know how you felt when your dog past away. I lisened to you the night you talked about it and I had to cry myself. Now I really know how you felt for I had to put my dog asleep last Friday and it is breaking my heart.

Pat from MD


Words for my buddy,
As we go through life many different things happen. At this time, I feel like I should put something on paper. On December 23, 2008 at 2:30 pm, one of the worst things in life that could happen, did happen. I lost my buddy forever. Dre was a strapping male dobie. He was a mans man. He was a very good looking guy. All the girls loved him and he loved all the girls. When Deandrea came back from New York City in December 2000, we moved to Manchester, CT. I worked for my brother Barry, and Deandrea was recovering from a major operation that was going to take many months. She wanted to get a dog. I was reluctant at first, but after going online and researching many breeds, we settled on Doberman Pinschers. Hence, Dre. The cutest little guy you could ever lay eyes on. When we came home from Rhode Island, he laid on my lap the whole way home. We formed a bond from that day on. I was Dre’s dad. Although it didn’t take long before we knew who his true favorite was, mommy.

In reality, Dre loved us both pretty equal. He knew I was the man of the house, but when I left, he played the role well. When I left for any reason, the last thing I would say is “Dre, you take care of mommy while I’m gone, OK”. His ears would go straight up and his eyes would fix on mine, as if he were saying, “You got it dad, there’s nothing to worry about!”, and then charged off to the part of the house where Deandrea was and kept a watchful eye on her. I always feared for the person that would ever mess with Deandrea. (more…)