Dear Mark,
I just finished reading your book about Sprite. As others who have written you, I also recently lost my best friend. Her name was Pax, the peacegiver. She was a golden retriever/black lab mix. For over 13 years we were together. Although I told her every day of her life that I loved her, I still wish that I would have said even more to her as I held her while she was dying. I guess what I really wish is that I could have kept her with me just a little longer. I don\’t have to describe the hurt that is still within me, as you must share the same sense of constant loss.
That there had to be another dog in my life was a given, as it always had been since I was a child. His name is Starbuck, a six month old golden retriever; a bouncing, happy, excited flash of golden fur. He is named after the character in the movie The Rainmaker, who embraced life with enthusiasm, vitality, and a little mischievousness. That is my pup.
There is something I wanted to share with you, although I am still trying to understand it myself. Well-meaning people who hear of our loss often offer encouragement by suggesting we get a new dog, replace the old. Although their only intent is to ease the pain, we tend to characterize their remarks as evidence of callous indifference; not understanding or appreciating all that our pet meant to us. But privately, down deep inside, it is ourselves whom we are chastising, for we mistakenly believe it is us who are failing our dear friend, because we do so desperately want to have a dog back in our lives. (more…)