
Listener Stories


I found out yesterday that Bantry our 9 year old Golden has advanced nasal cancer and only has 6-8 weeks of quality life left.

She has had such bad luck and a hard life. Chest tumor/cancer in 2006, small intestinal cancer in 2008, and now this.

She’s all worn out. It’s just devastating to us as we have hard decisions to make soon.

I feel so bad having to make the decision to put my best friend down. I want to make the right decisions and not be selfish.

I’m sorry for blubbering on…I just didn’t know where else to go.

Dave from CO

Lady,Lucy,and Chet

This is Lady,Lucy,and Chet.  Lucy is a rat terrier mix  that came from the pound,  Lady is a min pin dachsund mix that pretty much came from the streets, and I got Chet, a collie, germen shepherd, lab, pit bull, rotty mix that I got from a farm.  Lady and lucy both have a little story to tell.  Lady, the min pin mix, lived with a rotty mix on a farm outside of Hollandale MN.  they would wander into town once in a while. Their owner wasnt the nicest guy and the dogs would run when they had the chance.  When we first moved into hollandale, we saw the dogs running for the first time.  A few months later my parents were sitting in the cafe down he street and both the dogs were laying out in the middle of the parking lot.  the waitress knew the owner and said that he was trying to get rid of he little dog.  the waitress called the owner and he came and picked them up. soon after they showed up in the parking lot again, maybe ten minutes after he picked them up.  later on that day the two of them ventured into our yard.  i was a little scared for my puppy Chet who was outside at the time, becouse of the big rotty mix, but he didnt seem to want to bother anyone.  the dogs stuck around for about three days before  I went to find the owner.  I found him at the cafe and told him that his dogs have been at our house for three days.  I didnt know were the owner live so during the night we put the dogs in the garage because it was only about 30 degrees outside in the night.  I told he owner we would take lady for him. He said ok, but he wanted Duke, the rotty mix.  when he came to pick him up, he dog was so afraid of him he would go, so I had to bring the dog to the man. For a dog thats afraid of his owner, the owner realy wanted him back.  there was nothing I could do though because it was his dog, not mine, these dogs did not live inside, but at least Lady got a good warm home to belong to. Lucys story begins when she is about 5 years old. Weve had her from the age of 2.  during the summer of 2008 the family had to leave southern minnesota and go up north to Round Lake.  I work at a kennel and wanted to leave them there during that time, but my mom wanted to leave them with a friend instead.  There had been a storm that took down her friends fence. Her friends husband had put it back up, but not very well.  About 3 hours after my mom left them Lucy, a small rat terrier mix, dug her way out from under the fence.  The family did all the could to catch her but they couldnt.  When my mom told me this we had to leave on the trip in a little while. Three days past and our trip was over, she still didnt show up. I called shelters from all around the twin cities but they had not seen her.  A week past with no sign.  Almost two weeks to the day she ran off someone gave my mom a call.  They asked her if they she had lost a little dog named Lucy.  the man had called the vet and used her id number to find her owner.  Lucy had wanderd abou 4 to five 5 miles away from he friends home.  She had wandered into their garage, ate the dog food that was in there and curled up and went to sleep on a rug. She left but soon poked her head out again and the man and his friend coaxed her over to them. She soon decided to stick around.  this mans friend did not want to give her make though, but man who called had lost dogs before and didnt want Lucy\’s owner to feel the same way.  When my mom came to pick me up from work,  I got into the truck and from under the seat lucy popped out and came to me. I was so happy I coudnt even think straight.  When I finely looked at her she had about 9 ticks on her body , scrapes and one of her toes was broken.  She didnt show any pain when I touched it though.  She now has a flat toe, but it doesn\’t look so bad, and she was a little dehydrated. She came around though, Im just glad to have her back.  Now Chet , I got from a farm. Chet was from a litter of 12 puppies.  His dad was lab, pit bull, shepherd and rotty, and his mother was a collie, shepherd mix. all the puppies were nice looking but he was the biggest baby of the bunch and the most beautiful.  Today lucy is 6 years old, lady is almost 2 and Chet is 1 1/2 years old.  They are wanderfull dogs and I love them all.

Deanna from MN


All my life in my childhood I dreaded the day I would lose my father. God blessed me with a magnificent maltese dog  about a year before I moved back home due to a job loss, but divine providence was at work. I watched my beloved father\’s health deteriorate and knew it was a matter of time. Those 3 years were the worst of my life but my little dog kept us all laughing and my long visits in the hospital he would lovingly wait in the car, he actually seemed to anticipate my thoughts. My dear father passed on and thank God my dear beloved \”George\” was there to comfort me. I got through the next 5 years with him by my side, until then I lost him too to cancer. The period of agony watching him fight the disease was pure and utter hell but I know now he made me a better person and if he hadn\’t been there by my side for the most difficult struggle of my life I never would have made it. One day at mass tears streaming down my face I saw in my mind a picture of my family who is all in heaven and on their laps was my beloved dog. We must know that these angels from heaven are sent to us to help us and teach us and comfort us sometimes like no human can. Never ever reject the potential love of a dog or any animal because trust that the Lord has put them in your path for a reason.

Margaret from CA

Our Furchildren

I have(alongside my husband)6 beautiful children. Our children are 5 puppies and a bunny and I would love to share my kiddies with Mark and his fans.
Vanessa from NY


Seven years ago I got my daughter a Jack Russell Terrier. We named her Daysie. Like most Jack Russell’s she was an escape artist. We moved to Mo. 3 years ago. My daughter got her own place. Kaleb, my grandson loved her. She always slept with him.
My daughter got a place with out a fence. So she got a large run to put her in.

One morning in April 2007 she put her outside. She was not out for more than 15 minutes. When she went to let her in she was gone. All that was left was her collar., the gate was open Someone had let her out.
We where hearrtbroken.Even though Kaleb was only 3 he would ask about her. We did all the things we could to find her. Posted pictures, called Vet,, pounds, ect..
After a year had passed Kaleb would continue to ask about Daysie.We told him she may have gone to Heaven with Great Grand Papa.

In August on 2008, I went to a potential client’s business. A Pet Store. The owner was behind a large counter and asked me come back. I was talkig to her and her phone rang. While she talked I noticed 3 wooden gates with about 7 to 8 dogs behind each gate. I looked and saw a dog that looked like Daysie, I opened the gate & stared at her. No it can’t be!! I called her and she came to me. Daysie has a severe overbite. I opened her mouth & it looked normal. I put her down and she walked back to where she was, turned around, sat down & looked at me. I looked at her again and said Daysie that is you come here!!! She ran to me. I opened her mouth again and there was the overbite. The owner of the shop was so shocked after I told her how long it had been. She asked me some questions about her. But the overbit did it. She allowed me to take her home. Daysie had been in the Springfield shelter, put on the death list when a rescue person got her. She had her for 8 months and a lady adopted her, but Daysie escaped. The rescue Society took her back. She was at the pet Store for 3 months and no one would adopt her. She is precious!!!
I called my daughter and told her I found Daysie!! I had to pick Kaleb up from school. I had Daysie with me. When he opened the door he say her and said Daysie!!! Nina You found Daysie!!!! Daysie was sooo happy to see him!! They just hugged each other.
When my daughter came to my house she called Daysie and Daysie ran to her. She got on the floor and was properly kissed. It was so amazing. I also have a 12 year old Fox Terrrier. He was so happy to see her, then gave a look that said well where have you been dummy!! And he walked away.
That night I went to the bathroom and Kaleb was there. He was looking up and said Thank You God for bringing Daysie back.
That night Daysie slept with Kaleb,she would not leave him!! She still sleeps with him. We where so blessed to get her back.

I wish I could send you a picture but I don’t know to paste it on here.
We had her chipped the next day.


Pamela from MO

Duke, Princess

I have to be honest I personally don’t like all of the politic speakers on the radio, but my dad loves y’all. He told me that you love dogs. I also love dogs. I have two, one dachshund named Duke and my “baby” a mutt that I got from Operation Kindness. Her name is Princess. when i first got her she got hit by a mini van, she was about 5 months old. She got out with only a scrape on her forehead! I love her so much and i worry about her all the time but recently i found a quote that i really like it said ” worrying is like a rocking chair it gives you something to do but in the end you never get anywhere.” i seem to not worry as much anymore about her. thanks for reading!
Leanne from TX