
Listener Stories


Wonderful book sir, This is our Princy, he is 13 years old & seem to be slowing down quite a bit, your book gave my family & I the most positives of outlooks in so far as how we deal with is all to soon upon us.

Again, our most thanks for the gift of your book.

Dean & Christine from NJ


Dear Mark, On or about April 2001 I found my little tagless chihuahua Penny on a Dallas street corner. After unsuccessfully looking for a possible owner, I took her to the nearest vet. I want them to find her a home and have her health checked out. I was asked to take her home for a “few” days as she was in heat for the first time and needed two baby teeth pulled as they were growing tusk like. I took her back and had her spayed and teeth pulled as requested. That was the first and last time she was in a cage. I have never been in a cage(jail) and she will never either. After never having nor wanting a pet I fell in love with her very quickly.She is my constant companion and I treat her like the little loving princess she is.
After me having a successful kidney transplant on 1/22/09( hereditary polysistic kidney disease) at All Saints Hospital in Ft Worth Tx I found myself missing her a great deal. I had her picture at my bedside.
I often wonder at the age of 53 if I would be too old to have received the gift of life under the Messiah Most Highs new Nationalized Health Plan? Would I have deemed cost efficient for the gift of life?
I was on dialysis for 53 weeks and would download four hours of your mp3s to listen to you while I sat in that dialysis chair. I am happy to report that all my blood tests are now normal and I look forward to a new life.
I have often tried to call but always get a busy signal. Keep up the good work. Best regards,
Monty from TX

Blitz, Madison and Heidi

From left to right: Blitz, Madison and Heidi.
When I met my wife Jeanette, she and Madison lived together in a two bedroom apartment. Then I came into the picture and Madison developed a severe case of \’separation anxiety\’. We tried everything to stop her destructive behavior. We finally tried buying her a puppy of her own. Enter Heidi. The two have been best friends from day one. Blitz belonged to a coworker of Jeanette. She learned that he was going to be put down as he had become aggressive toward people and had bitten couple of them.

We took him in and, through many many hours of research, patience, love and devotion, have helped him become a wonderful member of our \’pack\’. These are our children and we all live together on a ten acre farmstead where the dogs can be dogs. As someone once said \”My goal is to become the person that my dogs think I am. Thank you Mark for all that you do for dogs and the American people.

Matt from MN

Long may you run

Hi Mark,

Today I received this hearfelt eulogy from a friend who lost his dog. It made me think about your passion for dogs and I found this site where it may find the right audience. It is sad but also very inspiring to all who have owned a dog at one time or another.

Thank you for providing this forum.

“I’m sorry to tell you that Christine and I put our dear old dog Sam to sleep yesterday.

Sam was more than 13 years old — in human years, he would have been in his mid-90s.  Back in December 1995, Christine\’s parents went to a Labrador Retriever breeder to buy Christine a puppy for Christmas, and they picked out Sam because he was the biggest dog in the litter.  Sam weighed 100 pounds, but as anyone who spent time with him knows, his body actually contained about 200 pounds\’ worth of knuckle-headed enthusiasm, affection, strength, and appetite.

Christine and I started dating about a month before Sam was born.  He saw us through two career changes, three trips through graduate school, four bar exams, nine changes of residence, a wedding, the first eight years of our marriage, and the births of two children. (more…)

Mishka 2/28/1996-3/23/2008.

Your wife has ovarain cancer are terrifying words to hear. The first words Sydney said after I gave her the news was to ask me to bring a picture of our dogs to the hospital. Mishka was the leader and she was our strength through the 3 surgeries and over 40 chemos that have followed.

Mishka would face a battle with liver cancer in early 2008 and she died in our arms on Easter Sunday. We were fortunate that she remained functional until the very hour of her death and her bravery and strength in her final days were a lesson that all humans can learn.

Jerry from TX


My passion in life is training border collies in herding sheep.  My dogs and I compete in herding competitions throughout the Eastern US.  These dogs have become my partners.  We spend countless hours working and learning with each other, I striving to do better, they to do their innate life’s work.

This hobby has been so rewarding.  I have met people from all walks of life, traveled to many beautiful rural areas, changed my lifestyle completely, and have even visited the homeland of the border collie, Scotland.  I now have friends throughout Great Britain, some who are the greatest border collie trainers in the world.

This past weekend, the first border collie I ever trained, Rock, was put to sleep.  It was a terrible decision to make.  Rock at 15, had become partially blind, hard of hearing, and suffered from arthritis in his rear legs where he couldn’t raise himself up.  For three months I helped him stand up, so he could walk out to relieve himself.  Finally, even though he was on a great deal of pain killers, the pain had become so bad that he would growl and show his teeth when I tried to help him up.  I knew it was time.

Two days before taking him to the vet, I put Rock in a fenced area with five sheep.  I watched as he went to work, half running on rickety legs, his heart taking over his mind, as he brought me the sheep.  It was his last work.  Watching him I realized why I am so passionate about these dogs.  I miss Rock.

I fully understand how Mark could write a whole book on his pal, Sprite.

Barry from GA