My Pet Story
Hi Mark. My pet story starts when I was very little. I don’t have any brothers, sisters or kids but I’ve had a dog since I was about five years old. I was lucky enough to have two beautiful Shelties who lived pretty long lives and then I had two Cairn terriers after that. My most recent, Cairn, Jonah, is in the photo attached.
When I lived in Nashville, Tennessee, I got involved in pet therapy. I would borrow dogs from the Humane Society and take them to hospitals and nursing homes to visit people. That led me into animal rescue and I was the president of a rescue group for several years in my current hometown, Traverse City, Michigan.
I was adopted by my first cat that I’ve ever had a few years ago. His name is Neelix, after the goodwill ambassador on Star Trek Voyager. Being a dog person, I had never really thought about having a cat but he changed my mind. He’s very persuasive. About a year later, I adopted a cat from my rescue group. Her name is Ali. Now I don’t discriminate. I love cats and dogs equally.