Puppies for Sale
The ad read “Puppies for Sale … six of ‘em. Shih Tzu-poodle mix … four males, two females …adorable little fur balls.” We phoned the breeder, got directions, hopped into the car and drove to see a half-dozen yapping, snapping, six-week old puppies. As walked to the door, my wife cautioned me that we were just there to look. At $200 a pop for a mixed breed dog, it might not be the best deal we could find.
I liked them all; but a feisty little brown guy caught my eye. Then there was the little black one. The owner said the little black one was very people friendly and quite the snuggler. That cinched it. I begged to but them both, but my wife insisted that one was enough. On the way home, we named the little black guy Rudy … Rudy guy.
Rudy had his first meal at his new home in the middle of our den … on the carpet, in front of all the people. Not in the kitchen where he would have to eat alone. At bedtime, I placed a cardboard box on the floor by our bed. We placed warm covers, a small battery-powered radio and a stuffed sock-toy to keep him company. But before the lights were out, Rudy was in the bed with us, prancing around, gnawing at the covers and giving us puppy licks. All night long, he stayed in the middle. All night long, my wife pushed me away fearing that I would roll over and smash the little guy.
Now most of the pups I’ve taken-in kept everyone awake for a night or two. I guess they missed their mama and their furry siblings ‘cause they’d cry and howl to beat the band. However, Rudy didn’t make a sound all night long. When I awoke the next morning, I was startled to find him still in the middle … lying on his back … being very, very still. Too still. Almost in a panic, I called his name and scratched his stomach. He gave a big doggy yawn and started to stir. Our life with Rudy Guy had begun. (more…)