
Listener Stories


This is my dog Bull. Almost 3 years ago he was abandoned in a barrel in a city park. He was not more than 8 weeks old, it was in February and rainy and cold. My daughter lives across the street from the park and the next morning she heard him whining and crying. She went and got him, dried him off and gave him something to eat. Since she didn’t have any place to keep him I took him over. I live out in the country 8 miles from town and now Bull is free to roam anywhere he wants to. He enjoys life here very much.

Stanley from TX

Big Foot, Striker, Cheyenne, Cody

Hi Mark:  My wife Tamara and I acquired two samll dogs in 1985, a mini pin and a beagle.  They were born within months of each other .  Over the years we moved from San Diego, to Reno to Fresno.  They were always both with us.  In 1998, at the ages of 13, the Beagle became very sick, cancer.  We were forced to put him down.  Within a month, the lonely minipin layed down at the foot of our bed on \’his\’ blanket looked at us and then went peacefully and unexplicably to be with his lifelong buddy.

We had always been with dogs and cats.  At this time we only had a big Calico cat \’Big Foot,\’ left.  His name is big foot because he has extra toes.  Being dog lovers my wife and I went to the pound and picked out a pup, about 1 year old, a queensland Healer we named striker.  1 month later we opened the door one morning and found a puppy staring at us,, an English Mastiff.  We searched for her home and could not find her owners.  A month later another pup turned up on our doorstep, just sitting there.  After searching the neighborhood, we still could not find the owners.  So.. we added the Em, her name is Cheyenne, and the Lab, shepperd, named Cody.

One year later we found another stray, a chihuahua mix we named \’Ginny.\’  We refuse to take strays to the pound.  My Aunt turned up with dementia, and could not take care of her dog, so in 2001 we added Collie, a weird terrier.  They are all old now, averaging 10 years, we have given them great lives and they in turn have given back ten fold.  But the parade did not stop there, (more…)

My Mom

On Tuesday last week, my Mom was overrun by democats.

She went out of the back door – heading to get the newspaper – and lo and behold. . .

From a small doghouse near the back door, there was a rash of fleeing democats of the feline variety.  She described them as looking like the clowns pouring our of a VW at a circus.

My Mom was so shocked she couldn\’t get a full count – but it seems to be four – apparently a mother and three almost grown kittens.

Mom is grey and white calico, two of the kids are grey and white calico with orange highlights, and one of the kids is orange.  Looks like the traveling salescat must have been orange. (more…)


I have had shar-pein for over 20 years. This one was killed by an auto @ 6:22 P.M. 3/06//05. There isn’t a day that I do not HURT since. He was 3. Thanx for letting me whine.
Bruce from CA



I admire your decision to rename the underground bunker to \”Milhouse Studios\” in honor of The Messiah. You have inspired me to rename my adorable lillte half Poodle half Bichon that we rescued. We will no longer call him Hussein. He will now be known as Milhouse. That\’s change we can believe in!!!

Russell from TX


We created a photo memorial to our beloved springer Remi.
Can be seen on facebook
He lived to 16, traveled around the world with us.
We miss him dearly.

Jeff from CA