
Listener Stories


Hi, Mark! I have to admit…..I had never heard of you before I read your book, Rescuing Sprite, a couple of weeks ago.

Since reading your book, I have learned a little more about you and even though we are on the opposite ends of the political spectrum, we are very much in sync in the dog lover department.

I had to put my 17 1/2 year old Yorkie/Silky Terrier to sleep at the end of October. He had been suffering with doggie Alzheimer’s for about two years. We adopted him out of the Brooklyn shelter when he was 14 yrs. old, so we only had him for 3 1/2 years.

Anyway, in those 3 1/2 years, Dean became my soulmate…..my friend…..my confidant. We shared everything….we were very close.

So, when the time came to make that very difficult decision, I was devastated. We were on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard with all four of our dogs. Dean was not doing well, and we wound up having to put him to sleep up there…..at a clinic we had never been to before….with a vet we had never seen before. They were absolutely wonderful to us, and the process couldn’t have gone any smoother. However, it was absolutely the most horrible thing that I’ve ever had to go through and now, six weeks later, I am still suffering. I think of him all the time, and cry every single day….maybe not always “bawling” but I do shed tears for him every day. I miss him terribly. (more…)

Jock, Newbie

Hi~ I have two dogs I adoped from shelters. Jock was found on streets in Carpertersville, Il. Newbie was found on streets in Valentine, Neb. He was rescued by my friend Sherry v. who runs Borders without Boundaries Rescue in Valentine. She runs it out of her home now. She can have 10 to 15 dogs in home at once. She also takes care of dogs in the pound. No heat in pound. She has a electric heater she trys to keep them warm. They need donations to build a animal shelter. Its a poor community and state. Is there anything you can do to help them. You can look them up ontheir web site. Thank you for anything you can do.
Nancy from IL

Two Dachshunds

Mark, I just finished reading Rescuing Sprite today and realized it was the second anniversary of your losing Sprite.  I wanted to say how sorry I was for your loss.  I have two dachshunds, 3 years old and 7 months, both females,  that I love very much and so related to your story.  The thought of them not being in our lives is such a tragic thought!

Upon finishing the book, which left me in tears, they both received treats and a lot of love!!  Our daughters are both married now and  our four legged girls rule the roost!  I give my dogs the best food and the best supplements in hopes that they will be around for a long time.  I truly understand a dog lovers heart, there is nothing like the pure affection of a dogs love!  Thanks for sharing your story and I hope Pepsi and Griffen are still doing well!

God bless you,

Cathy from WA

Thank You

Thank you for adopting a rescue dog. You saved Sprite\’s life and the life of another dog who took his place at the rescue. I am a volunteer with a rescue – RockySpot.org – located in central OK.  We subsist totally on volunteers and donations and are a 501c3 organization and very proud of our work since 2000. Times are becoming very difficult for groups such as ours. What are your grant guidelines?  Thank you for your time.

Susan from OK – RockySpot Rescue


Dear Mr. Levin
I want to share a story with you. We have lived in a rural area for 25 years: an area where irresponsible pet owners to often “dump” unwanted pets. Those disgarded animals have provided unmeasurable blessings in our life . For our daughter Jen, there was never any question, her lifes work was destined to revolve around animals.

While working at a vet clinic during college they received a call from the Gordon Setter rescue looking for a clinic that would donate time and expense for a risky heart surgery on a two month old half Gordon, half Golden pup. They agreed to try to save the pup, that crawled into our daughters lap, tubes and all, as she came out from under the anesthetic. “Kiera”, which in some language means something to do with the heart, and our daughter have been inseperable since that time four years ago. Jen and Kiera moved from Missouri to Orlando Florida a few years back where Jen takes care of those big gray animals at your favorite vacation spot.

Thank you for doing the much needed work that you do so well with your radio show.

God Bless,

Rob from MO

Gilay “Little Boompers” Peterson

In Loving Memory,

Gilay “Little Boompers” Peterson

Born: Oct 30, 1994
Died: Nov 20, 2007

My Puppy, My Soul Mate, My Muse…..

The BEST Puppy ever? For Me She ABSOLUTELY was!
So strong was the bond between us, that I would occasionally refer to Her as “The Female Bulldog version of Me” (a little bit of an insult to Her, but She didn’t seem to mind), and myself as “The Male Human version of Her” …..If only I was as tough, as gentle, as sweet, as strong willed and patient as Her.

She taught Me that instinct almost always trumps intellect.
She reminded Me that our relationships are what really matter in life.

She entertained me, comforted me & helped me stay (relatively) sane.

Thank You Gilay! I Love You & miss You more than words can express.

Dave from PA