
Listener Stories


Buttercup joined our family this fall after her \”big sister\’s\” companion passed away. We searched effortlessly for that \”perfect addition\” and didn\’t run across her until we happened to stop in a small animal shelter in eastern Washington. 3 months, 2 chewed cellular phones, and a total home re-carpet after her potty training lessons she has become more a part of our family than we ever thought possible and has given us new joy in our lives.

Matthew from WA


I read Rescuing Sprite over the summer and I knew we would face this situation someday but wasn’t quite ready for it when it happened.

Yesterday, we said good-by to our family dog, Cole. We had Cole since he was about 8 weeks old and he was 12 and a half when passed.

Like many other stories told here, Cole was a loving loyal friend who was with us through good times and hard times. My three daughters grew up alongside Cole and it was a pure joy to watch them play.

Cole was very frisky for a 12 and a half year old dog and he still thought he was a puppy. He loved to run in the woods and be in the middle of all family gatherings. He appears in countless pictures over the years.

Around Thanksgiving we noticed he had lost some of his pep but he showed no pain and didn’t complain. Then on Christmas Eve, I noticed he did not go to the door when the doorbell rang, which was very unusual for him. He also stopped eating his dog food about then but he kept eating holiday goodies which peole slipped him.

On Saturday, I took him out for a walk and noticed that he was real sluggish. Normally he would always lead the way and run ahead of me as we walked through the woods. This time, he just walked alongside me. I decided I would take him to the vet on Monday. Unfortunately, though, when I came home from church on Sunday, he had trouble even walking. I immediately took him to the anilmal hospital but they couldn’t help him. The vet said that it was probably an agressive cancer. My daughters came and we quickly decided to let him go. Painful as that decision was, we all understood that Cole had to be feeling terrible and we needed to end his suffering.

The vet was amazing in how she helped us through this process.

Now, the house seems strangely silent. Whenever I open the door I expect to be greeted by Cole but he is isn’t there.

Our family will always remember our friend Cole and we will smile as we think about the good times we had.

I thank God for the gift of animals who are so loving and loyal.

Xavier from MD

Osso, Cassidy

Today is two years and a day since we lost our precious dog Osso and our sweet cat Cassidy; both on the same day. Osso was a wonderful 14-year-old shepherd mix, who had been adopted from a shelter before my husband and I were married. He saw us through a wedding, the birth of two children, the loss of three cats and the addition of one, all of whom he grew to watch over. He never had a bad word for anyone.

When someone came to the house, he immediately assumed they were there to play with him. It doesn’t seem possible it can be two years ago that we had to say goodbye to both of them on the same day. I have since found a new vet for our current dog and two cats–not for any reason other than I can’t stand the thought of returning to that place again. I’m in the midst of reading Rescuing Sprite, and am almost afraid to finish it, because I know the ultimate end. Our Osso had the softest ears and the most patient disposition. I was always amazed by his patience when our gilrs were little.

How is it that we deserve to be loved by these wondeful creatures? I don’t think we are; somehow they come to bless us. I think of “Osso happy” as our vet called him every day, and will say a prayer for Sprite and Osso to meet us at the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you for your wonderful book, and for the life you gave Spritey.

Kathryn from ME

Dog Lovers

I know so many people who are dog lovers that say I am an idiot.
I just want to let you know how much I love your book and radio show. If you are ever in Kentucky and want to go to see some horse farms, you are welcome to stay at my house.

Sara from KY

Samson, Ruby, Mickey

Hi Mark
Just finished your book and it brought back so many memories for me as way way back when I was 18 (am now 41) our family dog was put down. He was a beautfiul Italian Greyhound named Samson and I was just 12/13 when he came into my life. I was not the happiest teenager like many others I am sure (still trying to find their place in the world etc and to belong), but with Samson I belonged. He was my best friend and it absolutely broke my heart when he was put down.

It took me over 20 years to get over him and that was only by rescuing Ruby my little Jack Russell / Greyhound Cross who I rescued from the SPCA in South Africa where I am now living (she was only 12 weeks and will be 2 in January).

A year later I rescued Mickey a beautiful Fox Terrier also from the SPCA. I have attached a pic. They are truly my children and I do not see them as ddogs but as little people. Their hearts are bigger than any person I have yet to meet. They have taught me to be a better person and everday I am grateful for them and tell them so. Ruby is my little angel and Mickey is my hero and I thank them for choosing me.

Claire from South Africa


Dear Mark,
Many many many condolences to you &your family. your book was very very good.i had a Golden Retriever put down when he was 14 yrs. he is cremated and i will be mixed w/him when i die &be sprinkled in the pasture.He was one of the 7 Leader Dogs we raised. we got him back for stud reasons. we got to keep him!!!!!!!!! now i have a 14 year ole Cairn Terrier. If you write back please put karen ritter next to the Subject: line or it will get tossed. thankyou and GOD Bless You and your family.
I volunteer at Sanilac County Humane Society. which is a NON KILL SHELTER for cats and Dogs.that is where we adopted 3 of our 4 dogs. 2 ran away one day and 1 came back that had been shot(bow& arrow). the other found dead by our Lab-Shar Pai. some *^*^*^*^ hit him, didn’t report it and stole his new leather collar.the one shot survived and he is doing fine:) now we have an underground fence. thank you, karen ritter :) you are so rite about not having one Dog long enuf in your life.
A friend gave this to me and i give to you.maybe it will help you and others. “I explained to St. Peter, I’d rather stay here, Outside the pearly gate. I won’t be a nuisance, I won’t even bark, I’ll be bery patient and wait. I’ll be here, chewing on a celestial bone, No matter how long you may be. I’d miss you so much, if I went in alone, it woulkn’t be heaven for me.”
Karen from MI