
Listener Stories

Man’s most noble link to nature

“It’s just a dog”, I have heard them say. “Dogs are dumb”, I have heard them say.
Some fear any dog on sight, for reasons unknown to me.

Dogs take a bad rap far and wide, sadly. Yet, a dog gives man uncommon extensions of strength, devoted companionship without fail, and a literal replacement of man’s lost physical senses.

It is commonplace to hear the minimizing and debasement of the dog. At the same time, worldwide the commonplace standards are “guard dogs”, “dog teams”, and the benefit most taken for granted, the “seeing eye dog”. (more…)


Mr. Levin- I just finished reading your book and am still wiping my tears. Sprite was truly lucky to be a part of your family! Here’s my little story about my German Shepherd mix, Zero:

My dog Zero showed up as a stray a few years ago. Actually, I remember exactly when it happened. I have always been more of a dog person, but growing up I had a black cat whom I also found as a stray. He was my world, my comfort, my ‘guardian’. He was the smartest cat you would ever meet, he knew more commands than most dogs I knew. We had a sort of bond that cannot be put into words, a sort of ‘silent’ communication and I felt we understood one another. I am a photographer, and he was the first subject I photographed when my interest in photography began, he was a wonderful model for me. I had never bonded with an animal in this way. Along with him I grew up with a beagle mix (also a rescue), and as much as I would have wanted it- we just did not connect on that sort of almost psychic level I had with my cat, but she was a lovely, friendly, humorous dog.

When he was nearly twenty (guestimation on age by vet) I knew his time had come and so did he. He was an outdoor cat because of family allergies, and growing up in the country I was constantly outside. He stayed by my side at all times. In the weeks before his death, he was very estranged and would not accompany me anywhere. He just stayed distant and observed, maybe seeing how I could manage without him. On April 4, 2006, I found him peacefully lying down as if he had passed while asleep.

Two months later, Zero shows up- just nine months old. I kept having dreams about finding a big dog, but I did not understand their meaning. I firmly believe my cat ‘sent her my way’ knowing I would help her. She was skinny, a little scared, and had been beaten. She is afraid of shovels, hammers, any type of tool with a handle: which makes me believe this is what she would be hit with by whoever had her before me. We always find lots of strays out here and my friends and I would always find homes for them, but there was something different about her. I knew she was here for ME. Our bond grew strong and quickly, just as strong as the bond with my beloved cat.

She is very loving, high strung, and intelligent. My bond with Zero is like no other. We speak without words. She knows multiple commands, and is also trained in hand signals. Her favorite thing to do is chase squirrels, and play with her squeaker toys.

Rachel from OH

Shadow, Punkin Noodle

May 3rd 1989 I had a cat that had a litter of kittens with me present during the delivery. On May 31st of that year I might my future wife. She asked how the kittens where and I told her they where 3 weeks old today. She counted back and said wow that was my Birthday. I kept Shadow out of that litter. I lost the mother cat not really sure how.
Over the years we had many animals that came and went for what ever reason but Shadow was always there. My Mom was diagnosed with Lymphoma in 1994 and lived untill December 30th 2006. In the fall of 06 I felt soem lumps on shadows neck and made the comint to my wife that I was going to loose Shadow within months of my mom. Well in February of 07 shadow was starting to loose weight and I took her to the vet. He comfermed that she had Lymphoma and gave her some steroids and told me to take her home and when she stopped eating that would be really close to the end.
On April 13th as I was getting ready for work shadow had an accedint on the kitchen floor she had stopped eating several days earlier and for her to pee on the floor I knew the end was close. I made a bed for her in the utility room within two feet of the litter box. That afternoon I called the vet and told him I needed to bring her in. Well I got home and went straight to her she had not moved all day. She looked up at me as I reached down to bet her. She let out a very sad meow type noise as I picked her up and I felt a very faint perring. I walked out side on the back covered deck and sat down on a Church pew I had made for my mom and was now on our back porch. I held her in my arms as she slipped into her final rest. I would have to admit that this was the point when all the feelings I had about my mom and shadow came pouring out. I had shadow cremated and she sits on a shelf next to my mom’s ashes in our bedroom. (more…)

Brigitte, Pepper

I have two poodles. Brigitte is 16 years old. Still walks and runs a little, but is hard of hearing and her vision is about gone. I think its cataracts. Pepper is nearly 14. He is still active but I’m afraid his eyesight is getting dimmer. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Peggy from TX

Chase, Chelsea & Cheyenne

My story begins last Nov. when my husband of almost 24 years found out he had non small-cell lung cancer. They gave him 3-6 mos. Of course you can imagine how our world was turned upside down in a matter of a few minutes. We also had 3 Golden Retrievers that my husband absolutely adored. Chase,8 ,Chelsea,4, & Cheyenne,2. We bought them all as 6 week old puppies.

Chase had medical problems his whole life. Mast cell tumors, two of which were removed by surgery, thyroid problems, which he had to take 4 pills a day. They also put him on Benedryl for his allergies, and he also had hip problems. He was a very large dog. He and my husband were inseperable. When my husband passed away last March, I figured Chase would follow soon after. I wasn’t too far off. Three days before Christmas 2008, I found out Chase had bone cancer and it was only a matter of time.He had been limping badly and I could see it in his eyes he was not well. I got him pain pills because I couldn’t bear to do anything until after Christmas. It was bad enough that this was my first Christmas without my husband, I couldn’t bear the thought of putting my baby to sleep right at that time. But I knew I couldn’t let my baby suffer.

It was Monday Jan. 12 that I decided would be the day. I, too, like Mark & his wife, was struggling with taking him. I cried out to God to please let me know that I was doing the right thing.I went over to my sterio to put on some Chriatian music,which always bring me peace,and I looked down to where my husband had put some books he had received after he found out about the cancer. Low & behold, thete was Rescuing Sprite. I picked it up and started reading through and I found my answer from God.

I, too am grieving for my Chasey, but I know he is with my husband in heaven and he isn’t in any more pain. I just wanted to thank you Mark for writing the book. You said that you almost didn’t and you didn’t think people would want to read about your dog. You couldn’t have been more wrong. Your book let me know that I was doing the right thing even though it is the hardest thing you will ever experience. But we gave Chase the best life we could while he was with us.I have that to hold onto plus I know he and my husband are together again. Thank you Mark & family. You truly are a gift from God to me.

Deb from OH



Thank you for providing this blog for people to post their stories and express their greif about the loss of a pet.
Yesterday I lost my best friend and I dont know what else to do it hurts so much. I can’t stop crying. Roxanne was my 11 year old Boxer who was the love of my family’s life. My husband and two teenagers are so heartbroken. Everything we did she was included and was the topic of so many of our daily conversations because of her dopey goofy ways. She took over our household and our lives and we enjoved every second of it. At the end of the day we woud choose a laugh of the day because everyday there was something that she did
that we keep us in stiches laughing. Till the end she looked and acted like an happy energetic puppy trying to convince us she was ok but we noticed little signs of her slowing down and on Friday she had a siesure while my husband took her on her daily walk that she loved so much. She came thru that but others siesures followed and thank God we were with her comforting her in her last moments. I work from home so she was like my co-worker who kept me company and kept me safe letting no one near our home without her presence being known. I bought your book last year for my sister who lost her dog after a long illness but I read it first because I listen to your show religiously. I cried for your loss and because I knew I would be dealing with losing my Roxanne eventually. We couldn’t bear to bring a new dog into the home while she was here because she was such a diva she would not have allowed it but now I wish we had because this house is so quiet and lonely without her. We’re going to get a new puppy someday but it’s going to have some big shoes (paws) to fill because my Roxanne had such a great personality and was almost human to me. Sorry this is so long and filled with misspelling. Thanks for all you do.

Lisa from NJ