
Listener Stories

A New Friend

My husband passed away last December and anyone that has lost a spouse knows the emptiness that consumes the partner left behind. At the urging of my son, I found a little lost looking Boston Terrier and brought her home. She has filled my hours with love and lots of fun. I am so glad to have Alice in my life.

Betty from MO


After 11 yrs of unconditional love and loyalty- I had to put our German Shepard down. His name is Sarge. I didn’t know I could hurt this bad, he’ll be missed forever.

Walt from MN

Chad #10 and Dandie the beautiful princess, the best friends we never had.

It was december 28 2006, just two months after Daniel and I got married, when Chad #10 (yes, we’re big NY Jets fans!) came into our lives.
I had been wanting a dog for a long time as I had lost my best friend Nuvola and the void was simply to painful and big to deal with. I love the presence of a dog in my life. The joyful greeting I ALWAYS get at the door, the moments of playtime we share, the tears that are dried on their fur as they listen to my soppy stories- no one can say that these events alone do not spur a beautiful relationship with the four-legged creature.
Hence, after months of looking for the perfect companion, we finally found him. He was part of a duo of Miniature Schnauzers that were posted on www.puppyfind.com. I admit, this is not a good way of finding the next best pet as it supports backyard breeding and puppy mills, but this was our first time getting what we thought to be a purebred dog.
The moment I saw his beautiful face on that picture I could not resist wanting him. (more…)


My dog Haley at Idlewild park in Reno. Shes a very happy little dog!
Mike from NV


Our little guy, Arthur, came into our life after my beloved, Cody, of 18 years, had passed. After Cody’s passing, my heart was so broken and empty. I couldn’t bear it and swore I could not put myself through it again. After some soul searching, we decided to bring happiness back into our home. Words can not describe the joy our little man, Arthur, brings. He is a very special toy fox terrier who singlehandedly changed our world. Every single day, we thank God for creating such a special gift for us!
Felicia from NY

Frosty, Quixote

My Frosty was a rescue dog, but he was so much more. Protector, teacher, friend, and companion to my other rescue dog Quixote.
Frosty had seizures, which we didn’t know about at the time we got him, but it wouldn’t have change the love that I had with Frosty. We shared so many things in his 5 short years. None more than our own language of love with each other. I would put my head near him and softly growl, Frosty returned the growl with one equally soft. At first I thought perhaps he was only following my lead until we were sitting together and I heard this soft growl and looked to see Frosty looking at me. His eyes smiling and his mouth open in a grin. It was then I realized that that was to be our way of sharing love together.
Then came the seizurs that would grip him with a visciousness invented only by the devil himself.
At first they could be controlled with medication but we knew there would be a day that the medication would have to change. Two days ago Frosty began a new round of seizures wich once more I hoped that the medication would bring under control. Unforturnately the seizures became more violent, more intense, and longer and longer with each one. Together we fought them for 24 hours straight. Each time they would come they would leave Frosty in pain and panting heavily. The Vet couldn’t offer much more than to say that they could get him calm but that I would be back soon and often. It wasn’t fair or kind to Frosty to have him live a life like that. I made the hardest decision ever to put him down. It felt like a part of my soul was ripped out of me and God gained the better part. Frosty went quietly in my arms, in fact I didn’t even know when he left for Heaven.
He took my heart with him and an empty void in my life. I love and miss you Frosty.
Karl from CO