
Listener Stories


Here’s a sad story from Williamston, NC. Early in the morning after a rock show my band put on, my cousin and myself went to the barn on our lands to put away some of the gear and hang out. Long story short; the barn is 2 stories with a large hole built in it for hay to be dropped to the animals. My uncles little beagle, less than a year old, fell through and his leg protruded through his skin. We found the little guy around 4am, freezing and hurt in the dark. I went to tell my uncle and he said he’d take care of it in the morning for Heavens sake. He was let Sarge die in the damned cold while in horrible pain. I called the humane society and got no answer, finally called the cops to see if they could do something. They told me to take him to Greenville, about 50 minutes away to the 24hr pet hospital. Both of us were drinking the whole night so we couldn’t and no one was willing to do that and we can’t afford the surgery. (more…)

Shadow and Scooby

Well the frist two dogs I got when I was a little kid I was 7, I loved Shadow and Scooby I really came attached to both of them and I remember ever thing we did to the long walks by the river to just playin around when we all lived in the country. that year we move a few towns over inside the city so things for my dogs drastically chaged and yet they adapted to their new lifes and 7 years fly bye when things started to get terrible for Scooby, she started to suffer from a inlarged heart and a tumor in her throat I spend ever last second with her before my step dad took her to the vet to be put down.
I was so depressed i frogot to give shadow attention and that year I didn’t want to be attached like i did because I didn’t want to relive that moment like i did scooby, but I want to thank you because If i never found your raido show I would have know how precious these little animals are and now I spend ever second with her so I want to thank you mark for ever thing you do man, thank you… I couldn’t find any pictures of scooby but I have one shadow
Jordan from CA


This morning we had to put our buddy Gracy down, due to her failing health. she was the best dog we had ever had, she knew I was not in good health and kept being on the gard for me and things I would forget , like geting the food out of the oven on time , expecially if it was a disert of some sort , maby I would share some with her I ‘m sure she thought that . then when I would get real busy and forget it was time for bed, she would anounce it was time to go to bed too.
And when I went through my episode of continually falling due to an inbalance in my dilantin medication, she would stay right at my side till I could manage to get up or would help me get the furniture knocked over so I could get to the phone to call for help , I never knew that I was so bad that my dilantin level had skyrocketed to 70 and I was actually in organ shutdown when I was finally taken in to the hospital thanks to my girl Gracy or should I say her registered name was Amazing Grace and that she was for me.
Dont have a photo on the internet right yet but we are working on geting a whole big set of pictures to go on line with, in her day she was a blue ribbon show collie with a rare ness due to the fact that she was a curlikue collie her hare was cirley and she was a try collie of outstanding parents, the breadder was none other then Mrs Marcia Keller the Best Collie Judg Knowen of as far a Collies go and shee was the American Kenel Club’s judge from New York area. and Gracy proved to be the best her mate Blue lives in Stillwater area of Minnesota and he is a blue murel collie with blue eyes and auson sight to see when you see them both together. amongst all of there blue ribbons for best in show of the entire working breed not sucha a bad record for a darling pare of Collies.
Carolynn from MN


Madison was my best friend who was by my side for the past 14 years. I remember when we first adopted her at North Shore Animal league on Long Island NY. She was very tiny and almost completely black and had a white diamond on her forehead. Madison was always such a vibrant, happy dog. She loved playing hide and seek with me, walking along Smith Point Beach (or being carried since I loved to hold her) and even just playing with the ball in the backyard. Her favorite treat was her peanut butter ice-cream cups or anything peanut butter!
Madison was very sweet, gentle and content. I could never have asked for a better companion. I loved walking into the house and seeing her tail wildly wagging behind her and all the kisses she would give me. She was my best friend and although she is now in a better place and no longer in discomfort. I will never forget all the joy she brought me and my entire family. You can never ask for a better companion and she truly will be missed.
Thank you Mark, for allowing my family to share our dog story with you and your vast audience, both on your radio show and here on this great website.
Don from NY

My German Shepard

I have german shepard, he is 4 years old, we play frezbie go walking everyday. he is my best friend.
Thomas from MS

Educating Puppy Jake.

Curtis from MI