Mark’s stories about his relationship with his dogs really hit home at our household as we also have adopted or rescued our dogs. We had gone about 15 years without a pet when one day my wife said “I want to get a dog”. This surprised me as she hadn’t expressed any desire for a dog. She said she wanted one to keep her company while walking in the local parks.
So… we went to the local Pet Smart where a local rescue group meets each Saturday to match people with pets they couldn’t keep with people that were looking to adopt. My wife had been on their website a few days before and had picked out a dog she liked. When we got to Pet Smart I saw several beautiful dogs that caught me eye, my wife was sitting next to the mixed breed dog that she had picked out and told me “this is the one”. I said, but look at that one, and that one, said reiterated “this is the one” I said OK, let’s fill out the paperwork and take her home. I had no idea what we were getting, on the outside was a Lab + Dingo mix, BUT on the inside was the dog of a lifetime, you only get one of those.
