After we had to have our dog Henry put to sleep in 1993 because of an inoperable tumor, we adopted Freckles (he had freckles on his nose) from an animal shelter in 1994. He was a Cocker Spaniel mix and had a beautiful coat. We didn’t know how old he was, but the Vet assumed he was 5 years old.
He loved to go for walks to the big park where there is a river. The dogs are allowed to run there without a leash. So my husband would let him run and he would examine every bush. If he saw a rabbit and it would dash into a bush, he would try to find him, but never did. He would dig and dig, but no luck. He also would try to catch a frog in the river and was determined to get one. After many trips to the park, he finally did, but immediately spit it out. Guess it didn’t taste too good after all.
One night he got sprayed by a skunk in our back yard. When I let him in the house, the smell was awful, as you can imagine. He was rolling on the carpet to try to get the smell off. I had to wake my husband and we gave him a bath, but the smell was still there, It eventurally went away, but I had to have the carpet cleaned.