
Listener Stories


Hi Mark

Just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your book – not finished it yet! I only read a little at a time to make it last longer! Anyway, being a dog lover and owner I would like to thank you for sharing your story, I wish I could have met Sprite, what a wonderful friend! My best friend is called Ozzy, and whilst reading your book he cuddles up next to me.  For three nights running I cried so much whilst reading and my little boy tried to lick away my tears! I know you must get thousands of stories and pictures from dog lovers so I wont go on too much, Ozzy is my fav topic of conversation! God bless you and your family (human and animal)

Kim from the UK

My Yorkie

Yesterday I lost my beloved male Yorkie. He had a bad heart and crippling arthritis. My spouse kept denying that he was suffering, but I knew he was. Two days before, he started rapid resperation, fighting to breathe, and his sides were heaving. I took him to the vets, knowing that his time was up, and I would not allow him to suffer anymore. My spouse refused to go, so I had to do it alone. I loved him enough to let go, but it hurts. I see him everywhere I look, and can’t bring myself to pick up his favorite dog beds yet.
Sandra from FL


Cheyene, our beautiful, white, blue eyed wolf/mix came to us over 13 years ago, rescued from the steel jaws of a trap by a friend of ours. Her first year with us was what I term, antisocial in that she would den up under the benches of our dining room table during the day and only go out at night via the patio door we left open for her. Slowly she accepted and trusted us and became our “baby girl” as we so lovingly called her.

Over the years there developed such a strong bond and mutual love between her, my wife Kathy and myself. She never really tolerated touching by strangers until the last couple of years. She was beginning to get severly arthritic in her hips, at times barely able to get up and moving, had pretty much lost her hearing and was beginning to lose her sight when on that fateful saturday, ( Nov. 17, 2008) she was hit by a car and broke her back leg. My wife and I , fighting our unwillingness to let go of her made the decision it was time for her to be at rest. It was late on Saturday evening when this all took place and the only place we could find open was the Animal Emergency Clinic in Maumelle, AR ( 501-224-3784) which is about 30 miles from where we live.

We put Cheyenne in the back of our van and I drove her to the clinic. Upon arriving, I went in and explaining her condition and what had happened I asked if they could come out to the van and put her to sleep so she would not have to experience the pain of being moved. They advised that they could not do this and asked if I would like to be with her when they put her to sleep. I told them I would and they advised that there would be an additional $50.00 charge for me to be with her. I was enraged, to say the least and I determined i would not give in to this “emotional robbery”.

I sat out in the van, comforting Cheye as much as I could until they came and got her. She now rests peacefully in our back yard beside “Stink”, “Bear Cat”, “Destiny” and “Little Girl”,
Why, for some people does it always have to be about the money.

Walter from AR


There is my Baxter the Boxer.. a rescue I got 2 years ago at the appox age of 6 weeks. He has a broken leg and we believe that it was the breeder who took him to the Vet. When the vet found his leg broken they wanted him put to sleep and she refused. When she refused the owner requested him back so he could do it himself… she REFUSED.
The vet tech there at the time said he would take him home and nurse him back to the point he could be adopted.. which is where I came in:) I was there for an appointment one Sunday afternoon and fell in love with the pup on first site. By 8 am the next morning I called and said I wanted him, spent the day acquiring the necessary puppy stuff and picked him up at 4pm.
He has been a blessing to me as I lost my 14 year old dalmatian which I affectionately referred to as my best girlfriend one week before Christmas last year. She also being a rescue I would highly recommend you never bring a dog or cat in to your home unless you go to the local shelters and adoption agencies.

2 months ago I joined Boxer Luv Rescue and now am a proud foster Mom. Last week we successfully raised $2500 for eye surgery for one of our new wiggly butt babies who has parasites in his eyes and needed extensive eye surgery. If you ever think the world is a cruel place just hook up with dog lovers and volunteer to help the much needed babies. You will change your mind about the world we live in..

Gloria from AZ


During our married life, we have had many wonderful pets, most of whom were rescued. As each one passed away, our hearts were broken, but the loss of our German Shepherd, Sheba, was the hardest loss of all. She was very special and came to us in a very special way.

Sheba lived next door to a very precious lady friend who was in my Bible Study group. Every week Elsie would come to Bible Study and ask all the ladies to please pray for the dog next door. She had told us that her neighbor, a former Army dog trainer, was in the process of a divorce, and wasn’t spending much time at home. To “get back” at her husband, the dog was being abused by the wife and was being kept tied on a very short chain. She couldn’t get to her food or water, and was forced to lie in her own feces. Elsie would sneak over under cover of darkness and feed and water Sheba, clean her up, and then sit with her for hours at a time in the dark. So, every Wednesday the Bible Study ladies would pray. . . pray that Sheba’s chain would not get tangled up, pray that the bees would not sting her, pray that Elsie wouldn’t get caught in the yard, etc.

Then one week Elsie said that she couldn’t take it any more. She asked that we pray that the owner would come to her and say, “Elsie, if you can find a good home for Sheba, I’ll give her away.” We all thought that this was a little bit much to ask for since this Army dog trainer had spent many hours training Sheba, but Elsie insisted that we pray to that end. Well. . . the next week Elsie came in beaming! She said that the owner had come to her door the night before and said, “Elsie, if you can find a good home for Sheba, I’ll let her go.” She asked that we pray that “someone” would be willing to take Sheba. (more…)


She was more than a Springer Spaniel – she was my navigator- always at the bow of the boat. She loved to fish, and put her head under water looking for them. The air bubbles looked like a diver donw there. She listened to everything I had to say, and a little wag of the tail meant she understood.

It was 2 years in May since I lost \”Pokie\”. A cross in the back yard marks her final resting place, but she will forever be in our hearts. I\’ll never forget my friend and partner. I miss her as if it were yesterday.Good bye Pokie. Your spot in the bow of our boat is still yours. It will be there. We love you.

Capt. Jim from FL