HI Mark,
I just got done rading your book about Sprite. I was so move. I havea Black lab, named, Cleopatra. She is my buddy! She is 9 yrs old & has been such a big part of my life. I alwas tell her she has to live to be an old lady with me. I DREAD the time when she passes. I will be lost withou her. She has moved around w/me. I take her fact I get teased. But, she is the kind of dog the evryone loves. She sleeps in bed w/ me and in fact I think she thinks she is human. :-)
My new grandson( he is 1 yr) drives her crazy, but she just letshim climb & pester her. I love her with all of my heart! There really isnt anything as special as a dog!!!! I felt so many of the things you said in your book. Maybe I should write about Cleo…..???
Tina from OH