13+ years ago my boyfriend and I went to pic out a pup from a litter of purebreed golden retrievers. while all the other pups were trying to get your attention one sat right in front of me and stared at me. That was it. Barkley came home with us 2 weeks later and it has been nothing but love .
He doesn’t just greet you he dances when he sees you are home, comes out to the car to greet you and proudly leads you home. He has been my greatest source of joy and love for 13 + years and I feel empty and loss now that he has gone. I have heard it said that for those waiting in heven it is only a mater of seconds before we are reunited, I hope so I do not want him to be scared or alone, even thought I know that my dad will take care of him for me till I am there. But life streches out for so long in front of us, how to wait…
Christina from MI