
Listener Stories

Love of Dogs

Mark (if I may call you that – I feel I know you after reading about Sprite)

I grieved with you, as I read your moving tribute to Sprite. It is always devastating when we lose our friends. I am sorry for your loss, but I am glad you were able to share Sprite’s life for even a little while.

I have had a variety of dogs, throughout my life. They have been my confidants, my best friends. Growing up in the military, they were very likely the most constant thing that I could always rely on. Right now I have two standard poodles and a doodle mix that I rescued two years ago.

Back when I believed the idiots who said dogs would have no place in our afterlife, “because they have no souls” (can you believe that drivel?) I stoutly stated that if my dogs weren’t in heaven, I didn’t want to go. Well, it was a painful lesson, but almost exactly twenty years ago, God vouchsafed me proof that our “furkids” go on, whether it’s a “rainbow bridge” we meet at, or when we “go to to light.” At the time, we were living in Florida. My mother, who lived with me, was up in Illinois, taking care of her mother, who had terminal cancer, while I stayed behind to care for our dogs. (We bred boxers at the time, and had five adult danes, as well.) (more…)

Murray and Jake’s Tale

Murray was not a shelter dog, but he was rescued. We were directed to him, by a Sheltie rescue organization in California. At the time we lived in New Jersey. The caller asked us if we knew were Bridgewater NJ was. It so happened it was right up the road. We found Murray tied to a tree. He was the leftover of a marriage gone south. The women said “just take him” he’s good for nothing. She had two kids; I always wondered what she did with them.

For the 1st year Murray was a handful, he was a runner. If you left a door ajar, he was gone. A few times he got out and we needed to scour the neighborhood for him. One day it dawned on him and he finally realized he had a forever home. He was great, we loved him. Memorial Day weekend 1999. I discovered his lymph nodes were enlarged. Took him to the Oncology Vet and was told he had Lymphoma, stage 3. She explained our options but was not overly hopeful. Murray was put on Chemo. He accepted it like a champ and the Chemo worked. His cancer went into remission. There is no cure for Lymphoma, your just buying time, in an unknown quantity. During this time marching band season started. We worked with one high school marching band, with their music and marching. We discovered Murray had found his calling on earth. Murray insisted on going to the practices. Without any direction from us he started working with the kids, keeping them in their lines. He lived for these rehearsals. He was so energetic and alive. This went on 3 months. (more…)


Growing up we never had a dog, there were just too many kids for the parents to watch out for. Since maryying some 30 years a go, we’ve always had a dog and I just can’t imagine life without the joy a puppy brings.
Our tears only come once in their lives and that of course is when they go to Heaven because the rest of the time is smiles and love.
Currently we have Frodo, the sweetest dog you could imagine.
Michael from AZ

Chihuahuas Are The Best

Here’s part of an e-mail I received earlier this week from a friend in Las Vegas:

“I have to tell you, I deal with so many neglected and abandoned animals from my volunteer work at the animal shelters in the evenings, and their situations all just tug on your heart strings but last Tuesday I came across a special little Chihuahua. I thought it was a baby because he was so tiny so I opened his kennel to give him some attention but he was completely unresponsive. After some inquiry of the employed staff, I was told he was almost 3 yrs old, blind, unable to stand or walk and shook uncontrollably- all the result of over/in- breeding. He had been surrendered by a “breeder” a few day’s prior because she couldn’t afford the medical bills. He was scheduled to be euthanized Thursday afternoon as he had no quality of life,

I went back to that little guy later in the evening and when I reached into his kennel, noticed that his eye’s followed my hand to his tail. A couple more of my very scientific sight test, I determined that he wasn’t blind. So I picked him up and held him and after a while he stopped shaking. I put him on the ground and he sat. Wouldn’t walk but he sat and it was just plain as day that he was petrified of everything. He weighed 2 lbs!!! Every bone in his body protrudes. It was heart-breaking. I went back to my room that night and decided I had to rescue him. The next morning I contacted the shelter and told them I wanted to adopt him, medical problems and all. It was a little bit of a fight because they felt he should be euthanized but they gave in and gave me a chance to foster him. I took him back home in a basket from, Walgreen’s on Thursday night- yesterday (Sunday) he was running like a mad dog all over the back yard! He isn’t blind at all. He sees everything! He can walk…. and run and jump. He was a clear case of abuse, neglect and starvation- on the brink of death.

I’m not keeping him and have already found a home for him but I will foster him for 3-4 weeks as he was physically abused and lived his entire life in a small cat kennel with the only other dog interaction, to breed. He has allot to overcome but it just makes my heart sing to see how happy he is and that he gets a second chance.

Anyway, Chihuahua’s are the best- our 2 have really taken to the little foster dog.”

Tom from AK


We lost our Spikey about two months ago and miss him so much. From the very first day he was Mommy’s boy. He always made me proud and never gave us a bit of trouble. He was great with kids and would hide from them if they would get too rambunctious ..it was so funny to see his behind sticking out from the bed, I guess he thought if he couldnt see them they couldnt see him.I could fill pages and pages with stories of how great he was..and I know everyone here could do the same about their special friend..I just wanted to say he was the light of our lives! we miss him every day.

Jeanette from NY


I love your book! My family and I lost our dog Jazz about 5 months ago. She was just a month shy of 13. I was the closest one to her. Jazz had so many problems and medications we didn’t know how much longer she was going to live. Then when we went on vacation we put her in a kennel at our vet. Later we got a call from our vet saying that they think Jazz’s stomach flipped over and she couldn’t even stand up. She needed immediat surgery but it was so exspensive so we decided to put her down. I still miss Jazz to this day and will never forget her. Now we have a new pup and will hope hesays with us for a long time.
Alice from CA