Dear Mark:
My wife Nancy and I are listeners to your radio show via WBAP, Arlington/Dallas, Texas. We became especially attached when you brought Sprite to your radio audience, and more especially as Spritey’s issues with life became apparent to us. Then, with the passing of Sprite and the more revealing saga of his life via your book, Rescuing Sprite, the Smiths became much closer to the Levins.
Last year (2007) before Christmas, I bought 4 copies of Rescuing Sprite as Christmas gifts for each of our 3 children, all grown and gone, and one for us. Spritey’s story became especially significant, as it had become apparent our beloved Idgy, a kinda-sorta blond Lab+, was heading toward the final days of her life. I’m rereading parts of your book, as it relates to our saga. We also listened the other night as a caller told of his Golden/Shepherd mix, which is on the same path our Idgy took this past Fall and recent weeks.
On Monday, January 12th 2009, I had the agonizing task of making that ultimate decision for our beloved Idgy, The tears are flowing, hence the reason I could never attempt this message on your radio show. I’m an emotional mess!!! There are so many parallels between Idgy and Sprite, even their looks. The big difference is we had 13+ years with our Idgy, albeit she lived to 15+ years old. She too was a “walk-on.” (more…)