
Listener Stories


Dear Mark,
I’d like to thank you for writing your inspirational book about Sprite, for it has greatly improved the quality of my life! My wife and I had to euthanize our sweet little 14-year-old Chihuahua last spring, and it hurt so much to lose her, that I wasn’t sure if I could ever have another dog again. We really missed having a dog in our lives, and fortunately, a few months later we happened upon a lovely 4-month-old Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix rescue dog we named Lucy.

Soon thereafter, I read your book. What I really loved about your book was that it helped me truly appreciate every moment with Lucy, and to enjoy time with her. Of course, puppies can be trying, but rather than get frustrated or mad, I just smile and think of the joy that dogs bring us, like you so eloquently put forth in Sprite. Instead of looking at “dog-owner related chores” with dread, I think how lucky I am to have Lucy in our lives, and actually enjoy taking time with our walks and watching her explore the neighborhood.

Thank you again…and, by the way…I really liked it when I heard you once say “Good night, Spritey” at the close of your radio show. I’m sure that many of your listeners joined me in looking up towards heaven for a brief moment and shared their blessings, as well.

Larry from CA

Liberal-Biting Dogs

HI Mark we love your show. Jim and I have met 5 years ago partly because our love for dogs and conservative views. Our pups are trained to bite liberals. We have been happily married since June 2007. Take care:)
Grace from CA

Charlie & Ben

Well I’m only 15 years old, and I found this book in my library at school, and started to read it everyday at lunch. I was surprised I had never heard of it before, because I usually know all the dog books! When i started to read this, I fell in love with it!! I have 2 dogs of my own name Charlie&Ben both German Shephards, and I don’t know how i could make it without them, dogs are simply amazing!! But also when i was reading it i was thinking of my cat too, because, i dont think i could have made it this far without her!
Sprite seems like such an amazing dog, i wish I could have met him, im deeply sorry for your loss, even though it’s been a couple years, it’s probably still hard. He really is a very beautiful dog, i truly enjoyed this story even though i have one chapter to go. It was really hard not to cry reading it, and I couldn’t because i was in a library lol.

I just wanted you to know that your book was amazing, and so was Sprite and Pepsi!
I wish you the best of luck in everything, and again Sorry for your loss!

Brooke from CA

R.I.P. Patch 1997-2009

I had to be out of town working due to loss of my business and he had been going downhill as old dogs tend to do……I swear he waited an extra week before passing so I could get home to see him. I can not describe the look on his face when I walked in the door unexpected by my family but certainly expected by him….sorry, can’t see the keys anymore…..bye Patch
Bob from FL


I am going through the recent loss of my true four legged pal of almost 14 years, Tasha who was a beautiful shepherd mix. She died on Feb. 25 after only 36 days of attempting to treat her for immune mediated hemolytic anemia.

It happened so fast, she was healthy and normal until a couple weeks after New Years.
Please, hug your dogs more often, and try to give them the best life that you can, because you never know how long they’ve got. I received so much joy over the years sharing my life with her that I actually believe I became a better person by having had her by my side.

I loved Tasha and she was a wonderful companion and I will never ever forget her!

Arthur from MD

My Girls

These are “My Girls”. The Brown Dog’s Name is “Little Bear” and the Black Dog’s Name is “Lady”. Little Bear is Older by a Year and a Half we think. We Adopted her from PETSMART through F.A.I.R. (An Animal Rescue Organization here in Tucson) Then a Year and a Half or so later we Decided that Little Bear Needed a Friend to play with and get into trouble with. We met “Lady” at a Pet Shop called PETCO while shopping for a new leash for “Little Bear” and ended up needing TWO New Leashes. We Adopted “Lady” through another Rescue Group called B.A.R.K. and we’ve been ONE BIG Happy Family Ever Since!!

Charles from AZ