
Listener Stories

Sherry, Kirby

Dear Mr. Levin,
I am writing this letter because you might be one of very few people who would actually understand what I am talking about. Today my dog died. So many people would “It’s only a dog.” How wrong they would be. We had a beautiful, bright and delightful .grand-daughter. Her parents would begin a hate filled divorce… While my son went into a terrible depression and our grand-daughter’s mother would be dating and looking for her next husband, this wonderful girl would spend most of her days with us. She was the light of my husband’s life. For me it was a chance to recapture all that I had missed when my own daughter had died in infancy. When she was six years old her mother would find that husband she wanted. She took her daughter and moved two thousand miles away. For a while we had contact and then one day our phone calls were not answered our letters not responded to. Now what on earth could this possibly have to do with a “dog?” For no reason whatsoever we went into a pet store in the mall and there she was, a beautiful little cream colored Chihuahua, Only six weeks old and scared half to death, As foolish as it might have been, one look into her eyes and new she was ours. Price be damned, we took her home. (more…)

Cosmo, Ranger, and Chester

Our three furballs Cosmo, Ranger, and Chester are all rescue dogs.

Cosmo is a beautiful 60# mix of everything, although her behavior/temperment are that of a hearding dog.    She was 6 mos old when I got her for my birthday in September 2002 from the Reno Animal Shelter.

Ranger was our present to Cosmo in August 2003 when he was about 14 mos old (they\’re inseparable). His owner got him from a N. Cal rescue group and gave him to us.  He\’s a 60# Labrador Retriever mix, loves people and water but not so much other dogs (except Cosmo).

Chester is Llhasa Apso mixed with a huge attitude of entitlement.  We got him from Wylie Animal Rescue (Tahoe Warf website) in November 2005.  He\’s lovable and can be quite aggressive (\”little dog\” complex?).

Karen from NV


I have a one year old Pommeranian. His name is Rocky.
Gayle from OR


My buddy is a Naval Aviator and he has a blog. This evening his dog died and he has a great blog about it. Also copied below.


Lucky passed away this evening. It was incredibly quick – total time from noticing the problem to the end wasn’t more than an hour and a half.

I arrived home from Norfolk around 4:30 and he was outside with Lesa, sniffing around, and with his hearing as bad as it was, he didn’t hear me drive up. I had to call out 2 or 3 times fro him to turn his head, and the usual tail wagging and grin ensued as he came to say hi Dad. He was running around the yard like crazy, over to the neighbors, back to me, to the door when I headed in because he knew he’d get a treat.

About an hour later, he was standing in our bedroom, stock still, panting like crazy. He walked out to the family room and I followed to see if there was a problem. I figured he was just winded and thirsty from the warmth and humidity of the day, and headed back to the bedroom. (more…)

Doogie Bowzer, Miss Mugsy

Attached is a photo of my four dogs with me on our patio taken 3 years ago. A year ago, I had to put Doogie Bowzer to sleep at age 16 (the little gray & white dog on the left) and 2 years ago, I had to put Miss Mugsy (my little French bulldog next to Doogie) to sleep at age 12 due to illness.  I know your pain but the pain is far outweighed by the joy I received while they were here with me on earth.  When Miss Mugsy passed away, my brother-in-law sent me the following poem which is so appropriate for people like you and me who had to make that terrible decision to put their beloved pet to sleep.  Here goes:
From a Grateful Pet.
You\’re giving me a special gift, so sorrowfully endowed, And through these last few cherished days your courage makes me proud.  But, really, love is knowing when your best friend is in pain And understanding eathly acts will only be in vain.  So looking deep into your eyes, and beyond into your soul, I see in you the magic that will once more make me whole.  The strength that you possess is why I look to you today. To do this thing that must be done, for it\’s the only way.  That strength is why I\’ve followed you and chose you as my friend, And why I\’ve loved you all these years…my friend until the end. Please, understand just what this gift you\’re giving means to me.  It gives me back the strength I\’ve lost, and all my dignity.  You take a stand on my behalf, for that is what friends do, And know that what you do is right, for I believe it, too.  So one last time, I breathe your scent and through your hand I feel, The courage that\’s within you to grant me this appeal.  Cut the leash that holds me here, my friend, and let me run,Once more a strong and steady spirit, my pain and struggle done.  And don\’t despair my passing for I won\’t be far away; Forever here, within your heart and memory I will stay.  I\’ll be there watching over you, your ever-faithrul friend, And in your memories I will play, a young friend once again.\”  The best place to bury Spritey is in your heart. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story about your wonderful furry friends.

Beth from NY

Love Of Our Life

My wife and I adopted this Chihauha/Corgy mix two and a half years ago. She had been returned twice to the rescue before we adopted her. She was scared of everything and everyone. She would not allow a male to touch her or even come close to her. After some caring attention, patience and a lot of love we are proud to say she is one of the greatest dogs a human could ever ask for. She plays with me every day, I take her to the store and give her a ride in the shopping basket which she adores and she has developed a great amount of confidence in herself. She is truly an underdog to wonderdog sensation. She is the love of our life.

Tony from FL