

On Wednesday of this week, I too had to make the heart wrenching decision to put down my dog Lucky, a beautiful brown and white Dalmatian, who had developed a brain tumor.  He had been rescued from a shelter eight years earlier and we guessed his age to be about 12.   The anguish, guilt and loss of my best friend were overwhelming.  My wife and I had also opted for no MRI or surgery 6 months earlier and that decision is now haunting me.  On Wednesday I took the day off from work to be with Lucky and to say our good bys.  The vet came to my home around 12:30PM.  During the last couple of hours Lucky had shown some signs of improvement; circling but at least on his feet. We were on our deck and the morning sun was warm.  I had given him all the chopped turkey and his favorite dog treats that he could eat; he had a ravenous appetite.  Like Sprite, Lucky put his nose into the wind and seemed to be enjoying the moment.  I was sitting on the deck hugging and kissing him and telling him how much I loved him and that I would never forget him.  He put his chin on my shoulder and whimpered; he was hurting and it seemed to be his way of telling me it was okay.  Only a few days have passed since then and I am still in great pain.

— Gary from Fredericksburg, VA
