

My daughters dog Bowser had a stroke and couldn’t move his back legs. She didn’t want to put him to sleep until she found if he could recover. She carried him out and held him when he needed to releave himself and took excellent care of him but he developed a sore on the knee joint of the side most affected. The Vet again talked to her again about putting him to sleep or removing that leg. I suggested she use a product I had found called Shban. It is an anti-bacterial spray and will kill bacterial up to 4 hours. She started spraying the sore 3 or 4 times a day and it started to heal and the hair started growing back over the spot. Bowser got better and was able to use one of his hind legs to get up and around. Today he is running around all over the place. He still can’t put weight on that leg but does use it when he stand to balance himself. The sore completely healed and the hair grew back over the spot. Today you can’t tell he ever had a sore there. She uses the Shban on his paw when it gets raw where he drags it. Sometimes we just have to look harder for solutions and think outside the box.

— Sue from Dallas, TX