

Book about Sprit’e got my 11 old daughter from my mum because the dog from the cover is looking like our dog Jackie. I read it first and did the huge impression on me. Power of emotions placed in this book exceeded my expectations. Mainly it brought up my feeling which I had for the dog from my childhood of, also similar Misio to Sprit’a but also and of current dog which I had to leave behind in Poland after the move to England. Very much I am missing it but for different reasons it isn’t possible for him can to us attach to UK. Very much I am missing him but for different reasons it isn’t possible for him can attach to us stayed under the care of my mum and even though I know that he is happy with her my longing is great. In the introduction of the book it is recalled, that it can move to tears and I cried through the entire book. I think that it was an outpouring of emotions a long time ago hidden but never forgotten… because still I remember the touch of the hair of each of dogs, their smiling faces, habits, smell, voice of barking… I thank for the alternative of bringing memories up although so much they are causing pain and losses are summoning sorrow wonderful friends. Tkank You once again…

Monika from England
