

I just read Rescuing Sprite. My Dad, a huge fan of yours (as am I) bought this book for me when my Harley (13 years old) passed away. Harley was a black lab and was the sweetest dog I have ever met. He actually smiled and like you I miss everything about him. I have never cried so much while reading a book. I guess you call that therapy. I just saw so many similarities as we also have another black lab, Gunner, who joined our family as a puppy when Harley was 6. Gunner too noticed the absence, but we are showering him with affection. We had many blessings this past year, but 2 stand out. My husband had back surgery and had to be off of work for 6 months so he was home and with Harley and Gunner that entire time. Due to the economy, I was laid off of my job of 16 years (a blessing and not so much) and was able to be with both of my buddies full time. I was able tto spend Harley’s last days with him and able to be here for Gunner when he lost Harley. Lastly, we were blessed that Harley passed away on his own and I thank the Lord for that as I feel for you for having to make that decision. It was a wonderful story and I hope that Pepsi and Griffen are thriving.
Dawn from WI