
My JoJo..

My JoJo was the best dog ever! Baby Jo was a pure bred Blue Healer. She was the first dog that my husband and I got within the first two years that we were married…14 years ago. We got JoJo because I was pregnant with my second baby, and my husband had to start working a graveyard shift. Josie-poo was my best friend and companion. She was so incredibly loyal and faithful..therefore, I called her LF (LOYAL-FAITHFUL). Unfortunately, she got very ill unexpectedly in late October 2008. We had to put her down on November 3, 2008. The very next day, Novemer 4, 2008, the biggest boob in history was elected president of the United States of America. I have been depressed ever since! The last thing I told my Jo was that her only job was to just grow old and be LOVED by us. Her sweet precious life was cut so short. I REALLY miss my JoJo. I did get a new Blue Healer pup for my 39th b-day, but he doesn’t come close to taking the place of my precious Jo. Jo-I miss you, and I LOVE you sooooo much. You were such a good dog!

Love, Mama Christine from WA
PS-Daddy Chris misses you too!