
Mia & Belle

It has been weeks since I’ve slept the night without waking bereft; my heart and soul is gone, my beautiful Mia, my 12 year-old Border Collie, who I had to have put to sleep to end the suffering brought on, I believe, by a rabies shot.

At the end she was so uncomfortable, wanting to run and leap and play and do the things we had done so long together. But she was cruelly denied this joy, instead slowly losing, in increments of agony, control of her hindquarters and rear legs.

Our other Border, 7 year-old Belle, still looks for Mia — and I still seek her and feel her presence. She was like none other to me – my study buddy as I worked to become a teacher; my political consultant as we sat and read The Federalist together; my ears, just like an unofficial Hearing Ear Dog, who would stay vigilant always, facing the door, picking up her ears at the slightest sound, barking when the phone would ring in a pitch just right for my remaining hearing, as if she knew and was looking out for me.

I miss all of these things and so much more…

Glenn from NJ