
Sebastian, Jazzie & Sweet-Pea

I am the proud owner of 3 dogs and 5 cats. 6 of those animals were someone else’s “rejects” and my joys! I could go on and on about Sebastian, a German Shepherd, Jazzie, a mix-breed, and Sweet-pea, a boxer. They are my kids, my companions, and my best friends.
Through the years I have had the heartache of “sending” my buddies over the bridge but honor them by sharing that love with others. My hope is that I will continue to be able to afford them and not have to give them up and then not die before them because no one will take as good care or love them as they are now.
I wish I had photos with me but I don’t so just know that they are the most beautiful, most smiley, and happiest dogs in the world – at least in my world!

Beverly from ME