

I loved my Lollii (Lollipop), a cockapoo who lived to 19 yrs. and probably one year too long.

She was given to my wife who accepted her without consulting me.

She was my dog and went with me everywhere, upstairs and down, bathroom or basement. She only had complete top of bed rights for her last two years.  Before that, she always snuggled up to me and when she heard my wife\’s footsteps on the stairs, she would scoot
under the bed.

I could not get through the bad part of Mark\’s story of Sprite. When Lolli was blind,deaf and incontinent I could not put it off any longer.  I made the appointment with the vet.  On that day the children came home to say goodbye and as we were preparing to leave, I was paged.  I had an appointment that I had not written in my book.  My wife said that what was meant to be so they took Lolli to the vet without me.

Brooks from MN