

Mark, I love your show. I have a beautiful four year old female black lab and she is great. She is sixty pounds, in great shape and extremely friendly. If she attacked, she would lick you to death. She barks very infrequently. Tonight she wanted to go for a walk during your show so I got the portable radio and put the headphone in one ear and out we went. It was cool, crisp, breezy and dark. We got about half way into our walk when she alerted on something and she got into her protective stance, erect, ears listening, nose twitching. She does that whenever she sees a cat! I saw something on my neighbor’s yard; it was dark, and a little shiny. The wind blew and the thing flapped in the breeze and Sadie started that protective bark, chest out full and the sound coming from deep down; wooof, wooof, wooof. I told her to settle down, but she didn’t and trying to protect me, she charged, barking all the way. She is very strong and pulled me. Now I’m yelling at her, but she could care less. Well wouldn’t you know, when we got there, the ‘thing’ was an Obama sign the neighbor had put in their front yard! Well there was nothing else for me to do except praise her profusely and give her a treat! Good girl Sadie. And now you know why Sadie is my best friend! Please withhold my name as I live in the People’s Republic of Princeton. I hope you like this true story…it happened just after you were talking about Elmer Fudd Frank, the boozo, tonight.Thanks for all you do Mark! All the best.

Anonymous from NJ