

Dear Mr. Levin, My wife bought me your wonderful book “Saving Sprite” less than a week ago. I finished it in just two days, and am not ashamed to admit I cryed like a little kid. I had a pure bred Beagle named Jake who came into my life at a time when I needed a friend very much. I had ended a poor relationship and lived alone. Jake came to me in a very round about way but, we bonded the minute we met. He went everywhere with me. Being disabled, I spent my entire day with Jake, and we were seldom away from each other.
Good times came along and I re-married. Jake and I moved to a new home with a wonderful person who showered us both with love and kindness. I began to notice a slight change in Jake’s behavior after about a year with my new wife. He became aggressive and began to shy away from my wife and I. One day Jake snapped at my wife without cause. A few days later he did so again and when I tried to control him he went after me. A visit to the Vet, a behavioral specialist, revealed to me that Jake was trying to take over as the Alpha in our home. I did some checking and found Jake had been physically abused literally from birth and in several different homes. The Vet told me he would need intense training six hours a day and six days a week to get him back under control.
Obviously this would be very expensive with no guarantee of success. I was told I would not get back my sweet, gentle friend, I would get a dog with a broken spirit who would be docile and obey. I couldn’t stand the idea of putting Jake through that so I made one of the hardest decisions in my life, and opted for the only other option offered and had him put down. He was only three years old. I still cry when I think about or speak of the best friend I ever had. I have great respect for you from hearing your radio program and now have even more respect learning of your love for dogs. I have had three dogs I adopted from Pet Rescue and now have a beautiful female Golden Retriever named Maggie. I still say goodnight to Jake and pray that God is taking good care of him. God bless you and all the others who take these poor orphans in and give them the love and care they deserve. Thank you for your wonderful book and all you do. “Good night Sprite!”
Rick from IL