
Jenny, Benji

Hi Mark
Just finished reading your book about Sprite, Pepsi and Griffen.

I lost my little dog Jenny last November 5th. I had to make a decision like you and felt the same as you once Jenny was gone.

I am still finding it very hard as she was my baby, my shadow, my very special friend. I too feel I need to write about her and probably will one day.

I was unfortunately surrounded by people who didn’t understand – she was just a dog. I have a business and on the same day as she died they had written a letter of small issues they wanted to bring up with us. I can still not forgive this – I got no card, nothing from them. A couple of days later a person’s father-in-law died and they went overboard for this. I got one little card which meant so much from dear friends in Florida – I still have it – it did so much for me, also a friend’s little daughter drew me a picture which was lovely.

I was annoyed and very upset that she died, but it made it worse that many people who knew how much she meant to me didn’t even try to understand. It still hurts deeply.

I still have Jenny’s brother, Benji, who was 15 last March 16th. He is nearly blind and deaf and has diabetes. He is a very special dog.

Thank you for writing about Sprite. I’m glad you were there for him. It bought a lot of emotions forward again for me and I had to put the book down in places as it is still so raw still with Jenny.

Best regards

Elizabeth from the U.K.