
Crickett, Blackie and Greystone

Hey Mark,
I”am the one that has written to
you about our sweet yorkee
But this story is about some
rescued Cats.. Came about the same time we said bye to Crickett.
We live out in suburbs and people just drop off cats. So i leave food outside..We had one big fat spoty cat they came
and ate sat in the sunshine. He brought a female cat a Russian Blue she had kittens and we got homes for them..She has stayed
with us we tk her to the Vet for shots and no more kittens..She was very protective and a guard cat she would growl at stranger. Well this past fall another poor black cat came through the yard and started eating we tk care of him he was in terrible condition bare spots on his body and mouth was deformed.. But he is now healthy and happy .He Blackie and Greystone have made friends…Every night we put them in the garage and this winter bought them both igloo houses to sleep
in they both crawl into one
igloo and sleep together.
They stay out during warm
days and at night run to the
garage..They are both sweet and company..
Yet, they are not like our Crickett..
Love Listen to you every night
at bed time

Faye in ohio