

I just wanted to tell you about our dog, Smokey. She is now deceased but we often remember her with love and appreciation. She died of old age in 1990.
We usually took her camping with us. This one time when we woke up she was proudly standing over a dead possum that was killed by her trying to get into our food.
Another time she saved our youngest son from being hurt or killed by an attack dog that had jumped his backyard fence. Our son, David, was playing in the dirt driveway. All of the sudden this dog was running right towards him. I was watching this from my front window and could not get outside in time. Out of nowhere Smokey came and ran that dog off. I was so grateful I gave her a nice venison steak. She was a Collie-German Shepard mix. The dog that jumped the fence was pure German Shepard. I am so thankful that she was in our life and I still miss her.
I just wanted you to know that I am a “Gold Star” aunt. My nephew Cpl. Nathaniel Hammond was in the great Marine Corp. He gave his life to save others on November 8, 2005 in Iraq. He received several medals and citations. I am proud to have known him. His father followed him in death due to the sorrow he could not bear. Tom, was my baby brother. He has the most wonderful 7 children I know (except for mine of course!)
I really enjoy your program and your courage to say what is true without worrying about what others think of you. Keep up the good work.
Your friend,
Becky from MO