
Maedche and Rommel

Hi Mark,
Before your book came out, I listened to you every night and heard bits and pieces about the great story of Spritey! Each day I tried to focus more attention on my two Rottweilers, Maedche and Rommel. I think you are an angel, b/c on November 17th, I had to put my sweet baby girl, Maedche to sleep as I found out two days before that she had lymphoma spread throughout her body! As she was being put to sleep, I held her ihead in my arms and thanked her for being such a good dog! As I walked away, I thought that being an adult stinks, b/c prior to Maedche, I had never had to lose an animal as an adult. It was then that I empathized with my father as I remembered all our pets that had died. I am so grateful for those extra minutes I spent with her and credit those minutes to you. Losing maedche was a huge blow to my 5 year old son and me! It saddens me the most when he says he wishes for a huge ladder to go up to heaven and visit her! The week I lost her, I read your book and cried my eyes out! I, like you, was glad that I at least had my other dog Rommel to console me. He is a great big Alpha male and prior to losing Maedche I had never heard him whine. But, that is all he did for days after! Now that it has been almost 4 months, we are looking into adopting another Rottweiler. There are so mony dogs who need a good home, so hopefully we will be able to provide one for one lucky pup! Thank you again Mark for getting me through this most difficult time in my life!!!!!!!!

Allison from CT