

This is a short story and lesson about mine and my sister’s childhood pet cat. His name was Garfield because he was white and orange, a short haired cat and pretty big too. We got him from the neighbors when there cat had kittens. He became an awesome cat and would sleep on your pillow every night and was very easygoing and a very loving cat. Around 4 years old he got bad ear mites. He ended up having his face swell up from scratching his head too much and the ear mite medicine was slow in killing the mites. So off to the vet they drained the swelling and filed down all his claws to nothing. Being that he loved going out side to run around we couldn’t keep him in for long before he escaped.

Dad came home early from work luckily he made it home before me and my sister got off school and he found our cat on our deck barely alive all soaked and ruffled with drool from being mauled by dogs and died shortly after my dad found him he was laying beside the door and it was so sad to think he struggled trying to get home barely alive.

It still is a hard story to tell after all these years but I think it’s a good lesson to share. I don’t blame anyone for there being loose dogs because our cat was loose also and well dogs are dogs and cats are cats. But he might of stood a better chance or made it if he had his claws , he could have climbed out of danger or scratched a dog long enough to get out a there. So it would help your cat out a lot if you can get your vet to leave the claws alone if they are outside cats.

Love your radio show Mark it’s the best show on radio and you talk from the heart and you can tell by that the good job your doing.

Nathan from Canada