

Hi Mark,

I have literally just moments ago finished reading your book on Sprite and Pepsi. I have to tell you that I was crying and absolutely in tears like a baby not even half way through the book and all they way until the very last page. I am 22 years old and soon to be 23. My own German shepherd named Bingo just passed away two weeks ago from a myriad of medical conditions and from just being old. I loved him more than I can say. He was 14 years old and I was extremely blessed that my mom decided to get him when I was only in first grade of elementary school. I am only 22 and Bingo has been with me so much more than half of my life. He used to make me laugh so hard and so long with all of his burping, farting and all sorts of antics when he was younger that I really believe I would be a different person without him. Until the day my parents had to put him to sleep he thought he was a puppy. He would whine for affection and treats and always try to play with you. Without him I have been depressed and it is so incredibly comforting and wonderful to read about how you also know that gut wrenching emotion when someone (NOT something) passes out of your life. Thank you so much and God bless.

Christina from GA