
A Heart Transformed

Mark, I do not have a dog or an animal of any kind at the moment due to the fact that my wife was bitten by a dog when she was young and she still has the nightmares.
It is amazing how you have transformed my heart to feel an urgency to take care for these little creatures since I started listening to your show. I was born and raised in East Africa and currently living in Springfield, Missouri. In my country we are not very attached to animals as one may think but I can never hold my tears back when I hear dog stories on your show.
Mark, thank you…your show is more than a meeting for innocent, intelligent and self reliant people. Please give my special thanks to your family who lets you inform us about the danger we face on a daily basis. Mark your blessings will be given to you in heaven.
Thanks my brother…I love you and you beloved audience.
Albert from MO