
Gypsy, Dakota, Buster

Thank you. I have been listening you for awhile as I drive home from work. I have been interested about your book “Rescuing Sprite”. I have three rescued dogs…Dakota a small fox looking dog, Gypsy the pure bred doberman and Buster the lab and spanial mix. Dakota came to me as a puppy only 6 months old 3 years ago. Buster now about a year was found hurt in the street here in El Paso not even a year ago. Gypsy was 6 or 7 abandoned and abused when she came here two years ago. The man who rescued her was being sent to Iraq and asked us if we could watch her. We said yes. This is the story about Gypsy. She came here with a short leg where the previous owner had broken it. The first few weeks you could not even get close to her because she was so skittish and scared. I tried to hug her one time and she replied in her own way…she bit me. In fact the first few weeks I was the recipient of 5 bites. But slowly Gypsy got love from me and my two roomies. She began to come close. Then getting petted was her joy. By last summer I had a bed full of dogs, Dakota by the small of my back…Buster and Gypsy on either side of my legs. Then Gypsy decided to lay by my chest. She began to lay sideways then upside down with her head on my chest. She wanted to be scratched. You know how dogs love that scratching that the back leg jumps. Well she loved it. Anyway to make a long story short, Gypsy is a loving dog now…and the sorrow is that she is beside me dying. She has terminal pneumonia, the vet came here today and said she will not survive. So I am writing this to Gypsy to say good bye. Tomorrow I will hold her in my arms, scratch her belly and send her to be with Sprite. I hope they play well together. She does have some attitude though. Thanks Mark

Ervin from TX