

My fiance, Ricardo, loves your show. This is our dog Presley, she may look innocent, but she tore up a whole role of toillet paper while we work at today. She is a Maltese, we never liked small dogs untill she fell into our laps and now she is the center of all attention. Everyone we know who has never liked small dogs has been converted by Presley, they fall in love with in an hour. She has absolutly no respect for humans, she will just make herself comfortable on your face, your chest, or wherever she wants. This all sounds horrible but if you were around her you would want her to come and sit on you. My dad has only ever had duck hunting dogs, usually golden retievers, not only does he love Presley but when she is around she runs the show, my dad and the golden retievers answer her every beckon call. I don’t know if you have ever seen a 6 foot 4 Texas deer hunter with a maltese sitting in the rim of his cowboy hat but it is a funny sight. My fiance had me look at your web sight and as soon as I saw the Rescuing Sprite section I fell in love. Thank you for giving all us dog obsessed owners a place to brag.

Ricardo from TX
