
Lacey and Cody

I just wanted to let you know that my husband bought me your book, “Sprite”. I just finished reading it with tears in my eyes.

Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful book about your beloved Sprite.

We too have two dogs, Lacey (a Boxer) and Cody (a Toy Poodle). I love them both with all my heart. I too could write a book about everything they do. I do not work – I’m disabled with Fybromyalgia. I get to stay at home and take care of my two babies each day. I love my time with them and dread the thought of losing either of them.

They are both such a wonderful part of our family. They bring so much joy to our lives – and I talk to them just as I do our children. For they are our children – only with four legs instead of two! I could tell you so many funny stories about them – but there just isn’t enough space here to do so!

You were so lucky to have had Sprite in your life for 26 months. He was lucky too! If only all dogs could have the life that Sprite had – and Lacey and Cody – the world would be a better place.

If only all humans were dog loves – wouldn’t it be a nice place to live!

God bless you and your family. And of course, Pepsi and Griffen!

Thank you again!

Carolyn from WA

cody, lacey