
Callie, Chloe

My sister gave me a copy of Rescuing Sprite for Christmas since all of my girls have been rescues she thought I would enjoy it. I read it last night and cried through most of it, totally relating to what you went through. I have 6 girls now (had trouble sending their picture) and 3 that I’ve had to put to sleep, 2 were in my arms, 1, my beloved Greyhound Callie was 2 days before I lost my Mom so my vet took care of her for me and returned her ashes to me. All 3 of my angels are in marble containers on my dresser in my bedroom. I am also involved with pet therapy and am putting my 4th girl, my deef boxer, Chloe, into the program. We visit children at local hospitals.

God bless you for donating some of the proceeds from this book and, for making everyone aware of how important it is to rescue animals. And, as you and I both know, they know they have been rescued and their love in return is incredible!!!

Cathy from LA