
Bailey, Pumpkin

This morning I called the vet’s office to make an appointment. In a couple of hours I’m bringing my beloved corgi, Bailey, to the vet’s to put to sleep. Bailey and his companion Pumpkin are two rescue corgi’s I’ve had for 7 years. A couple was getting divorced and dropped these dear and funny dogs at the Humane Society- literally on their way to the divorce hearing. I received a call not too many days later asking if I still wanted a rescue corgi. YES! I told the gal at the other end of the phone…she then asked when I could come and see THEM. “THEM”? I asked her. Yep- it was a twofer deal. Though not blood related, these two have lived together since they were pups. They have been an hilarious pair- they play together, they sleep together, and together, they’ve owned my heart. This morning Pumpkin and I are struggling to say goodbye. Pumpkin is the frisky, pushy and chatty one of the two- yet this morning she’s somber and very quiet. She knows.

In the mundane world of practical matters I told the vet I wanted to stay with Bailey while he leaves us. I was informed that will be fine- and will cost $50 more. I’m not certain what that extra $50 will do- and though I’m cash strapped at present, I willingly agreed to pay the extra $50. Bailey is a treasured part of my family, I need to be with him to say goodbye.

Mark, I’ve been a devoted fan of yours for years- I listen to your show regularly and have benefited from “Men In Black” and my heart has been warmed and touched by “Rescuing Sprite”. I especially respect and depend on your unwillingness to back down from principle- regardless of the personalities involved.

Thank you for the space to share my story,

God Bless you and your family,
Deborah from FL


2 Responses

  1. Lori Says:

    I am sorry that you had put your loving dog to sleep. I know how you feel. I put my dog down at 17 years old. He was not doing very well, he had liver problems and all other problems. I think the most pain I felt was the fact that he trusted me, he was totally dependent on me and he loved me. He was the dog that tought me to be a more loving person towards animals.

  2. faye lawrence Says:

    I fell in love with corgis through Tasha Tudor

    and our neighbor use to have 3 beautiful ones

    out son in texas has a corgi

    bless you so touching story,,,