
Solo, Shaun

Dear Mr. Levin,
Knowing that I am a dog lover, my daughter-in-law gave me “Rescuing Sprite” for Christmas.
I have never read such an honest, intimate story of the bond between a person with his dogs, especially Sprite. If ever someone looks at me as if I am crazy when I talk about the bond I feel with my current furry friend, Solo, I know there is a person who understands.

Years ago, my parents bought me a collie pup for my 21st, birthday. She(Shaun) was everything I ever wanted.
When I married, we lived in an apartment in Md. and no pets were allowed. My Shaun stayed in the home I grew up in,with my parents, in Pa.


There was a wonderful week that we sneaked her into the apartment. A full-grown collie is not easy to hide,but she was a wonderful animal that never barked. We knew she could bark, just chose not to do so. We had a happy week together and no one who saw her reported us.

I had always hoped to take her with us when we bought a house, so you can imagine the agony I felt the last time I saw her. She could not stand up. Shaun crawled to me. I couldn’t stand to see what was happening to her. All of us knew it was time to let go This was almost 50 years ago and I have tears in my eyes as I write this to you.

Thank you for writing your book. I loved it. It is what I call a “keeper” I was touched deeply.

Mollie from MD

P.S. May Pepsi and Griffen live many, many years.